New Member


New member
I'm brand new here. I've finally come to the conclusion (right or not, we'll see) that one of the biggest things hindering my stick-to-it-ness with diets and exercize is the lack of accountability. I don't have, and no one really wants, someone to account to on a weekly basis with how good or bad I've done, how much progress or decline I've made. So I figured that if I post what I've done on a regular basis on this site, even if no one cares, it's still an accounting of MY actions. That accountability, the sense of pride or shame on how well i've done, is what I hope will finally enable me to lose the weight I've been struggling with all my life.

p.s. words of encouragement are eagerly accepted. :) ;) :D
Hi, I think it’s great that you have started your road to success. I can’t wait to see how well you do. Keep us posted.
I'll give you a reality check whenever you need one, as long as you do the same for me :). Good luck!
HI there,

welcome to the forum!
Somehow I missed your post until today...

Post away on what you eat, drink and do in the exercise department and I am certain that you will receive comments. Most of what I read here is encouragment, and positive, but if you need it, you'll also receive the necessary 'kick'.
Welcome....I am sure you will find this site a great motivaor and its good for a laugh or two along the way. :)