Need to lose last five or ten pounds

I've become fairly fit in the past year now, running five miles every morning. I play rugby for my highschool also. My dilemma is that i can't lose the last ten pounds. Any advice? :confused:
Sure you are building muscle which weighs more than fat. therefore you will lose the fat but replace it with muscle. Try to watch what you eat. 6 meals a day stay away from fats and sugars. (Burger King and Soda) dont worry so much about the weight number as the BF% number. I know I would rather be 200lb with 8% BF ratehr than 175 with 35%BF.
spockafina said:
did yall even take care to notice that WaffleMaster has not been on this site since March??

lmao. i love you spock. :p