Need some help to startup


I'm a 25yrs old guy from India. I lost my right arm below my elbow(I've 4-6 inches arm below my elbow). There is a gym near my house, where there are a lot of people building their bodies and even i want to start build my body, i'm fat, my height is 5'9" and weigh 82 Kilos, I want to cut down my fat,get in good shape and buildup some good muscle, also i tried to run initially, but i'm unable to since in the same accident my toes were taken off and it bleeds sometimes i run, so i gave up running.

I want to know how to start the process of bodybuilding and I've seen a couple of videos in youtube where people wear straps/belts and do some weightlifting and dumbbell lifting etc.. I want to know where can i buy them and what are they called. Waiting for suggestions and answers.

How recent is the damage and what can you do safely?
The bleeding from toes suggests there is still healing needed for you to train at a normal level.

If it is safe and you have access to one I would say a cross trainer could be a good first step for you. Hold on to the handle you can use and rest the end of your arm against the other as much as you can to ensure all of your body is being trained.
This isn't body building and doing this alone would be slow fat burning but it is something to start with while considering what else to do.

Straps work by friction and because the hand is wider than your wrist so with no hands the standard lifting straps won't help you. I have taught a person who was born with one arm totally missing and the other more like an enlarged finger so there are definitely ways to train, you just need to progress with care.
If you are able to get a prosthetic appendage with a grip on it that will be great and mean you can train as well as some others just starting out. If not you are going to need to start looking at some serious workarounds and ideally have someone with you in case they go horribly wrong. The guy I was training ended up doing squats and built his core and co-ordination to the point where he could do this with me there to help him as he lifted off the bar and put it back, during the squats I was just there for safety.
The limits are where you put them to some extent but he wasn't recovering from damage, there was not tissue needing to heel etc. so your challenges will be different.

Toes and part of arm missing will play havoc with your balance and obviously ability to hold things, using the remaining hand alone to hold will build you up unevenly and create more damage, so see what is available to you and ideally get some help to be able to train evenly.
Standard straps etc. are unlikely to be useful but a bit of ingenuity and help will likely mean finding some way to adapt things for you.