Need HIIT advice...sorry moved my thread here

I'm changing from my regular running workout of running 2-2.5 miles in 20-25 minutes. Yes, I know its slow - but I just started working out in Jan. I gained LOTS of weight cause of grad school. I dropped from 225 to now currently around 190. I've changed my diet, eating much healthier, smaller portions, 6 times a day and I'm lifting like a monster.

I'm 5'5" - but I'm not obesely fat believe it or not. I do have a major gut tho. I think I just have big bones :D I was always athletic until the years of grad school. I gained like 45-50 lbs in grad school (over like 3 years)

Ok, so I'm just starting HIIT and I'm not sure if I'm doing it correctly.
I've read of different ones:

30sec jog/30 sec sprint OR
1 minute sprint/4 minute jog

How important is the acutal length of times that you do it? This is what i'm currently doing - on a track where 8 laps = one mile.

3.5 laps jog/half sprint and repeat - four sets of these. Does it matter times? Distance? Or can I start with this and add on? I'm doing distance rather than time because its easier to keep track. I also do a 5-6 minute warmup on the bike. Usually my workout takes like 15-20 minutes outside of the 5 min wamup.

I'm just trying to lose the fat.

Any and all criticisms and advice would bemuch appreciated.
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search for HIIT on the search function.. you should find a thread with LOTS of info on the subject!
Karky said:
search for HIIT on the search function.. you should find a thread with LOTS of info on the subject!

Yeah I've read pretty much all the posts. I've also read up on some other websites detailing what HIIT is. However, I've read differing opinions on ratio of HIIT. (listed in my original post) and need to know if what I'm doing now "works" or is ok.

Please everyone, I would really like some feedback.