Sport Need help - in calorie deficit due to imposed diet

Sport Fitness
I just wanted some advice on what i can do to get more calories into my daily life.
I am a 52 year old male with high cholesterol and a wheat intolerance. I have an active lifestyle with weights and cycling every week.
I am 6ft 2 and only weigh 78kgs. I am tall and quite thin.
The trouble is that since i have found out that i am allergic to wheat, i am avoiding bread now so my calorie intake has dropped.
i already was on a fairly restrictive diet due to my high cholesterol (avoiding bad fats).
Can anyone suggest ways of increasing my calories as i am struggling at the moment with my underweight ?
I already snack on nuts and greek yoghurt but since avoiding wheat i am now not eating pasta or breads which used to provide me with a lot of calories.

Thanks in advance