Neck Injury

Anybody else here had to deal with a recurrent neck injury? I got in a car accident two years ago and get numb up the left side frequently, mostly when the weather changes. Very hard to work out with spasms or numbeness (caused from spasms that I can't feel) up one side. Kinda feels like a stinger that doesn't improve. So far I've tried seeing the doctor, physiotherapy, a chronic pain specialist and acupuncture. Thought of a chiropractor but the neck adjustments seem pretty scary since they can cause a stroke and all.

Ideally I'd like something simple to do at home, so far the best thing I've found is alcohol (loose as a goose after five pints, but don't feel so smurfy the next day) which I don't want to use too much (since it is pricey,additive, and fattening)followed by the muscle relaxants from the Dr which I also would prefer to not use in excess since they have a list of side affects longer than I am tall. Stretches the physiotherapist gave me work for about 5 minutes or so and then they come back.

I've been knocked out of regular lifting three times in two years from this injury, last time for 4 months (have dropped from a healthy 305 to a flabby 240 in that time as well and would like to get back on track sometime) so would like to hear if anything has worked for you. I am in Canada so botox injections into the spasming muscles are not covered here (not proven they say) keep in mind, although if they are a great cure for a similar problem I am always willing to take a road trip to Montana or Idaho and pay.
The problem with injuries is that dulling the pain not only does nothing for the problem or injury itself- it increases your chance of further agrivating the injury. Drinking up may relieve the pain but that means you could be agrivating without knowing it. Any significant pain killer would have the same risks.

What did the MDs say? Is it vertebrae, bone related or is it your muscle? How long has it been since the accident?

Maybe a neckbrace to restrict muscle movement?
i wont recommend a neckbrace at all.. dont restrict your muscle movement. it sounds like you're describing a whiplash injury. i myself am studying physiotherapy and only stretching exercises wont cut it i think. i wont go into details now since it's late over here lol.. but im leaving you a link. it's the physiotherapy guideline how to diagnose and treat whiplash. you can read it and see for yourself if the symptoms are the same and what not.. and also what can be done about it. if you have further questions i'd be more then happy to try and answer them for you.
Yeah, Its a whiplash injury according to the doctor and the phyisiotherapist both. I was covered for the first 8 months of physio treatment and then paid for three more and have had none for about a year now. The MD pretty much has decided that its all up to time now and I either will or won't get better in the future (not what I was hoping to hear). One thing for sure is I am not getting used to living with it, still drives me crazy when half of my face or left arm or both go numb on me. Causes vision problems too in the left eye from a pinched nerve they say. I am going to read this here whole link you have supplied and see if I can find something new or that they haven't tried then may have a question or two.

I was treated for months with heat, traction, exercises, stretches, ultrasound, and something kinda like acupunture where they stuck needles into the tense muscle to back it off, that worked great for a few hours, then went back to tense and spasming.

One thing I was wondering though since somebody at work mentioned it and nobody has mentioned yet is if it could be a shoulder problem causing the neck to spasm? Instead of what they have all been looking at as a neck problem causing the rest of the pains and spasms. Any ideas there?
Hi, Blackedout.

Have you tried getting some acupressure done, or active release therapy?
I know a very good chiropractor in Calgary I could refer you to. He does not do neck adjustments unless it is absolutely neccessary. I am trainer in Calgary and also do acupressure and athletic therapy. It may be that you have some scar tissue in the area, restricting your natural range of motion, thus causing spasm. a.r.t. is, in my opinion, the best way to treat this.

As far as a shoulder injury causing this, yes, it is possible. It could also be caused by some scoliosis in your c-spine, (easy to miss in a visual posture assessment), due to your accident. Of course, I am only guessing. You have probably explored all this stuff already.

Drop me an email if you would like the name of the a.r.t. specialist.
yea a shoulder injury might also cause the pains.. but then.. did you have a shoulder injury.. and how severe? it could be anything basically.. you could have a low foot arch and it could give pains in your neck for all we know. i think the spasms can come from the fact that you might think (in the back of your mind) that your neck might get hurt... thus your muscles tense up again (defense muscles) to try and prevent further harm from happening. i had that when i broke my collar bone (clavicula).. so there is something to be done also in behavioural sense. but yea.. read that guidelines and see what you make of it.