Nancy says hello

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New member
Hi, My name is Nancy. I am 68 yrs. old. I have 30 to 40 pound to lose depending on which chart/book you look at. I have been doing aerobics videos for about4-5 yrs. When I was working I did some walking to and from work and had an aerobic rider so I lost a little weight. Now that I'm retired I walk when it's good weather and have just started lifting (light) weights after not having lifted for a couple of yrs. I had started, got sick, quit and am just getting back to it.

I've traded in my aerobic rider for a rebounder (mini trampoline) and really like it, but still do certain videos on the floor when a lot of moving is required. Most videos are low impact except Tae Bo which I attempt occationally.

I would have kept the aerobic rider, but I was no longer using it and I had no room for both rebounder & rider.

I've lost 23 pounds, but it took a yr and a half. The slowness is driving slightly nuts. The main problem being that other than my workout, I don't move much as I am retired. All my hobbies are sitting. Sitting and knitting or crocheting, reading & watching TV. so naturally the weight loss is slow. I eat well *most* of the time and cut way down on sugar. When I do have candy or ice cream it's the sugar free kind, but I tend to overdo it.

That's about it. Thanks for *listening*

Dear Nancy,

welcome to

To tell you the truth, I don't think you are less active than most of us. I work in an office, I drive in the car from and to work and when I get home I am tired and after the usual dinner preparation and clean-up I am ready for my couch:)

I don't even get to the walks and videos that you do and I am not even sure, where I put my resistance bands. I don't have room for exercise equipment in my place, so you are already way ahead of me. And let me tell you 23lbs in 18 months might not sound like a lot, but it is and it is much healthier losing the weight that way and now that you are healthy again and start exercising more, the weight will go down even faster.

Good Luck...

I look forward *hearing* from you again

I think U are doing great!! I am 30, U are in better shape than most people my age. Stick to Ur goals. Keep being an inspiration to us all :)
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