My Transformation 7/09 to 8/10

Before 230lbs. 35% BF
After 180lbs. 15.9% BF

I worked through a lower back injury to get to where I'm at today and I'm still going strong and trying to get more toned. I've lost an additional 10lbs since the after pic. I'll be posting some updated photos in about a month. Any feedback would be appreciated!
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What did you do workout/diet wise to achieve these results....GOOD JOB.
P90X! I had to modify a lot due to my back issues but I just kept pushing play and doing more over each rotation. I'm currently in my sixth round and I've made even more progress. I'll be posting more photos once I get through my next month. I actually have exposed abs now. lol
Thanks! I heard insanity was hard on the joints so I don't know if my lower back could stand up to that each day of the week. I can get through Plyo and Kenpo pretty good now but I'm still really careful with my movements. I may get insanity and do it twice a week just to see how my back does though.
Thanks! But I'm not trying to get on the cover of Mens Fitness or anything. Just trying to show people if you put your mind to it you can get healthy and stay healthy! Fit isn't defined by a six pack. Example: Roy " Big Country" Nelson!