My sent messages aren't being saved.


New member
This isn't really too much of a big deal, really, but my sent private messages aren't being saved in my Sent Folder.
Sometimes I'll get a response a few days later, and it's nice to know what I was talking about in the first place.
Is there a way to turn this function on?
Try this.

Go to User CP

Click Edit Options on the left side

Scroll down till you see
When sending private messages the forum can make a copy of the message in your Sent Items folder.
Save a copy of sent messages in my Sent Items folder by default

click the box, see if that works for you.
Hi Jericho

is there a chance in the future we will get bigger boxes? considering your saved messages counts towards the 50 limit.
I don't know, you could shoot AllCndBoy that question directly.