My new weight loss diary

Hello all I am new to this site and have been regulary going to the gym for the last two months. So far so good I am down 12 pounds and am hoping to keep going.

I am 26 and when I was in high school I thought of myself as a fit person and then college and partying took that away. Now with a 13 month old son wanted to make sure I was healthy for him but also to improve my self image and feel better. Look forward to hearing from all of you about ways to help.

My current stats are as follows.

I am 6'3" and am currently 268lbs

my work outs consist of 30-40 minutes of cardio then 45mn to and hour of weight training. my biggest goal is to be able to have a flat stomach and harder chest.

I feel as though i eat well, watch my calorie intake and portion sizes. I don't eat fast food as I think it is gross and take a lunch to work every day.

I am always open to suggestions to help with the mid section as that is right now what I am concentrating on.

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Actually it sounds like you're on a great track! Keep it up and you'll get there in no time!
in regards to liftingin general, what are peoples thoughts regarding more weight less reps or less weight and more reps? I am currently doing less weight with more reps. I was told this is better for toning and fat burning. is that true?
its good for muscle endurance. muscle burns energy so don't be afraid to add some muscle to your frame.. :)
I'm more worried about burning fat at this point than building muscle mass. by doing more reps is that more or less apt to help me burn more fat and tone. or with my size (6'3" 268lbs) should i be trying for more muscle mass?

Here is what my workout consists of

30-40 minutes cardio (precore machine)
15reps x3 press 40lbs on freemotion machine
15reps x3 lat pulldown 90-100lbs
15 reps x3 shoulder press 25lbs
15reps x3 ab crunches with 70lbs weight.
15reps x3 leg press 180lbs
15reps x3 back extensions 150lbs

I started a 12 week program to build up to a specific program not to go to fast and I start the last leg of it which will add biceps, triceps and more leg options. will keep you up to date.
Actually you'll have the best of both worlds if you do higher and lower reps. But even if you do high or low reps, it won't make a lot of impact upon your appearance until your diet is in check.

You might try an 1X8, 12, 15 set up.
Diet was somewhat of a harder change but seemed to be doing ok.

Mostly watch calorie intake and stay away from eating out, fast food and red meat. Eat red meat on an occasional basis but stick more to chicken, fish, salads, pasta and so on. try to stay at 1200-1700 calories a day depending on whether or not it is a work out day or not.
late night work outs

Weighed in at the gym before I left and am down to 266. Two more pounds on the countdown.

Worked out a little harder today and can feel it now. burned 520 calories during aerobic and pushed myself a little harder with the weights. Felt good.

I don't get home from the gym until around 10pm. the problem I have is that I am straving. I stay up for a while and relax a little. try to eat something low in calories and lite but have a hard time not being hungry. Any good ideas as to what I can eat at that time without having to worry about cancelling what I just did?
10:30 and just got home from the Gym. Been going for two months now and definetly feel better. I have a full weight and cardio routine that is going well. Down 14lbs from 11/17/05. I'm shooting for 225 banking on muscle weighing more than fat. depending on how I look at 225 will see if more is needed. but my 55lbs weight loss goal is already 25% complete.

It is nice that my wife goes to the gym as well so we motivate each other. Last night we went out to eat which we rarely do with a 13 month old but I was proud of myself and ordered fish and went to the gym after.

Still having issues with the night eating after I get home from the gym. Think i am going to tough it out and see what happens.
Another Day at the Gym


Worked out today and went pretty hard. I try and weigh myself regularly to see how I'm doing and today i am at 264. So far no issues which is very exciting. Between cardio and weight training and eating it all seems to be falling into place.

I decided I am not as concerned with muscle mass at this point but more fat loss. Has anyone done anything that seems to work better for fat loss in terms of excercises. Would like to concentrate on that more so then muscle building at this point. once the fat is gone muscle mass would be the second step.
Feels Good

Gym night again last night. Was a good trip. when I drive there I find that I don't want to go as much and then when i get there am always glad I did.

I thought the eating thing was going to be harder but my wife and I both working out we push each other to eat better. My 50lbs weight loss goal is on its way and am very happy about that.

People are starting to notice which is a huge incentive to keep going. Hard part is giving up some of the things I loved to eat. Ice Cream, Chocolate. I have tried to replace these with fruits mostly and water.

wish I didn't get home so late though eating at nite is the hard part. :mad:
Hungry all the time

When most people start working out do you feel hungry all of the time. it seems no matter how often I eat (healthy eating) I am hungry within 3 hours. Is that normal and what should I do? Don't want to overeat but don't want to deprive my body of what it needs
how many calories should i have?

I am not sure what to do about my calorie intake. I want to lose weight but I am not sure if I am eating enough calories in any given day. I try and stay between 1300-1600 per day.

Should I be eating more calories? THe days I work out should I be eating more? Don't want to gain weight back but don't want my body to start taking muscle instead

help would be great