My Journal


New member
Okay...I finally decided to get serious about a diet. SO..I figured if I posted my daily activity, you guys can critique it and perhaps give me a little encouragement along the way. (It's day 4, and I already feel depressed)

Here are my basic stats:

154 lbs.
19 yrs. old

Goal Weight: 135-140 lbs. (I want to "tone up" my legs and stomach more than anything.)

Here's what I've done so far:

Day 1: (Mon.)

Breakfast: Cup of Cinnamon Tost Crunch Cereal w/ whole milk (sorry, can't do the skim milk thing...blech!!)

Lunch: SlimFast

Dinner: Grilled chicken on George Foreman Grill
5 baby carrots with Low Fat Ranch Dressing

Didn't get to actually do any exercise...was busy all day.

Day 2: (Tues.)

Breakfast: Cereal again...was running late for work; only had about 2 bites

Lunch: Had lunch with my cousin at Mi Pueblito Mexican Restuarant
Splurged a little...had a burrito w/ cheese sauce, beans, rice, and

Dinner: I felt guilty, so I had a half of a turkey sandwhich (just bread and
turkey) and 7 Original Pringles

Bought a yoga video: "Yoga Conditioning for Weightloss"
Did the 25 min. beginners workout...laughed at my husband attempting to do the poses about all the way through. I think my abs got a good workout.

Day 3: (Wed)

Breakfast: 2 slices of toast with grape jelly

Lunch: 10 pretzels

Dinner: Ramen noodles mixed with Cream of Chicken soup (fed most of this to the dogs)
5 Hi-Ho crackers

Did 25 min. yoga workout

Day 4: (Today)

Breakfast: 1 slice of toast with grape jelly

Lunch: Goldfish crackers and water

Dinner: I plan on having a SlimFast with...probably a sandwhich...depends on whether or not I go shopping tonight ;) (Pray that I'll have strength to turn down Ronald McDonald)

So...that's it so far. I'll try to keep my journal updated. Please let me know what I can do to lost the weight and keep it off!!

Be careful not to eat too little. You need food regularly to keep your metabolism going, and if you don't eat enough, you won't lose permanently. Especially day 4 looks like you didn't get enough calories. Put some fruit in there for snacks maybe? As long as you keep your exercise up, I'm sure you can get to your goal! :D

Good luck!
Really...eating to little? Call me dumb...but I didn't know that was possible when you were trying to lose weight?? Thanks for informing me though. I was reading "coastergirl"'s diary a minute ago..I think we feel the same way about fruits and veggies. I try to like's just hard. I can do carrots, corn, potatoes, and green beans. As far as's are about all I like :(

How about exercise though? Is my yoga enough or should I throw in some cardio (like jumping rope or exercise bike) to burn off some calories?

I really don't have a time limit per say, on how fast I want to get the weight off. I just want to be healthy...period. Dieting in the past has been a roller coaster for me. I struggled with anorexia and bulimia for about 4 years. This is the first actual "diet" I've gone on since I've 'gotten better'. When I finally felt happy and stopped hating myself..I decided I needed to gain a lot of weight. (When I met my husband, I was 110 I'm 154.) I didn't gain the weight in a very healthy way though...I just kind of ate everything I could. I was finally getting compliments on my figure instead of rude remarks and stares. After looking in the distorted as I still look sometimes...I know that I'm not fat...just a little, "jiggly" I guess. Need to tone up and eat right.

Thanks again for the suggestions...I'm loooking forward to getting on the right track! I appreciate the support!!
You know, it's a really big achievement to get better after anorexia and bulimia, so I think that it's especially important for you to do this the healthy way, especially if you're not fully recovered. Is there even such a thing as fully recovered with eating disorders? Excuse my ignorance, I've just never had that kind of eating disorder. Just take care of yourself so you can stay healthy. :) Have you talked to your doctor about wanting to lose weight? I'm sure he could give you the right kind of advice in your situation.

I'm not very good at explaining these things, but maybe someone else knows better how to explain it. When you don't eat enough, your body goes into starvation mode, and you won't lose anything after a while, because your body will try to hold on to what's there.

Yeah, I guess not being too crazy about fruits and veggies is kind of a problem. ;) Maybe try some new stuff and see if you like them better than the usual ones? Or try to prepare them differently? I'm really bad at giving advice on that I guess, because I love veggies and fruits.

As for the exercise, I think that variety is always a good thing, even though I'm not the best at taking my own advice, I keep doing the same same two things basically. ;)
Swiss is right on the money. As I understand it, if you eat too little your metabolism will slow and your body will begin storing fat first and burning it last. You'll still lose weight, of course, but once you've dropped the pounds and start eating normally again your body will latch on to those extra calories for dear life and won't want to let go. I believe that's why a lot of failed diets result in the dieter ending up heavier than before they started. Plus, if you're not eating enough you'll notice a drop in your energy level, and that makes the diet that much harder to stick to.

Technically, I think eating 5 or 6 small meals a day is about the best way to eat. You'll promote a faster metabolism and keep blood sugar levels normalized. That being said, I’m a firm believer in the philosophy that the very best diet of all is the one that you can stick to.
alright meal one Id suggest going with skim milk even thgouh you dont like it, youll grow to like it very fast.

And your eating too little, for one thing its unhealthy to be eating so little and another your body will be eating away at your muscle. and your bf% will just increase. Its not about eating as little food as possible its about eating at a small cal deficit to lose a pound or two every week. And the small meal thing is the way to go, it will keep food constantly having to be digested. in other words eating a couple big meals will turn to more fat than say, a bunch of small ones.

And eating too little trains your body to live on very little creating fat deposits to help get you through the period where you dont have enough..........just eat more. start out with something like 1700 cals and see where it takes you, if in a couple weeks you are losing a pound or two a week then stick with that, or adjust by a couple hundred cals until you are.

I know I cant make you but some sort of resistance training should probably be incorporated as well.

And eat lots of protein and water. need more just ask
Well...that's definitely a big help! And no, Swiss, I don't think that an eating disorder is something that can ever be completely's just taking it one day at a time. My husband has been the biggest help through all of this. Encouragement is the best medicine. I've had a pretty good grip on everything for the last couple of years..but like I said earlier..I didn't gain weight the right way...I stuffed my self with #11's from McDonald's and extra large Fudge Rounds. I WANTED to gain weight. So...I guess I became a 'reverse anorexic'. :confused:

Anyhow...I body's been through enough. I need to do this the healthy way. And CB, yes..I need to have a diet that I can easliy stick to, or I know I will fail. I'll give the skim milk a try, but I'm not making any promises. :D

Can anyone comment on my yoga, though? This is the first time I've ever tried yoga, so I was wondering if it's actually a good, reputable exercise.

I'll try to keep some variety in there though...and try to eat more meals per day. And pardon my dumbness, but I have to ask. How exactly do you keep track of your calories throughout the day?? I know most pre-packaged things have the nutrition facts on the back...but what about restuarant food...or a baked potato? Or when you go to a friend or family members house for dinner? How exactly can I keep count of it all?? Thanks!

Oh..and here's my official plan for yesterday:

Breakfast: 1 slice of toast w/ grape jelly

Lunch: Goldfish crackers and water

Dinner: I read the post about not having enough (shame on me) I went to La Huerta Mexican Restuarant and had a Burrito Special:
1 burrito w/ cheese sauce
re-fried beans
chips and salsa
(I was starving though :rolleyes: )

Okay.....pick away at me! I can take it!! :eek:
Hello again :)

Looks like you learned a valuable lesson last night ;) . If you eat too little throughout the day you're liable to feel starved and eat too much at night. I've ruined MANY a diet doing just that.

Yoga is excellent for the body and mind… or so they say. It certainly promotes flexibility, relaxation, and some of the tougher stances will yield increased muscle strength in important areas. That being said, I think those of us trying to lose fat (heck, make that everybody) should include some form of cardio in our weekly routine. Be it walking, running, swimming, a stationary bike, etc. There's just no substitute.

I'm not counting calories on my current diet, but when I was the trick for me was learning my foods using a mini food scale and the internet in the absence of Nutrition Facts. I had the scale in my kitchen where I would weight my meats, fruits and veggies. Then I'd use the internet to keep track of nutrition information per ounce or cup of any given food. After a while I didn't need the scale any longer. I knew what 4oz of chicken or 2 cups of carrots looked like. That made it easy for me to keep a pretty accurate count when I was eating outside of the house. However, I suppose a burrito with cheese sauce and refried beans would make counting a little more complicated :D

Oh, and I'm with errtu140 on the skim milk suggestion. I got used to it quickly and now every time I take a sip of whole milk I think "Yuck! Too heavy!"

Keep it up. You’re doing great!
heres what i use im addicted to it :p it counts some restaurant foods and freezer prepackaged stuff too.

as for yoga its great as a strech/toning type exercise but cardio is what you need to burn fat. research HIIT its great and not time consuming i do mine in 30min or less.

On the skim milk thing maybe start off by going to 2%then 1% and then going to skim.
Cinnamon toast crunch mmmm love them lol but you should try a high fibre cereal or oatmeal for breakfast itll stay with you longer through out the day.....or egg white omelet for protein (i put egg whites in my oatmeal for added protein very yummy :) )
and i agree try looking into diffrent types of fruits and veggies and trying them out to see you might just start liking new ones :)
Alright then! Now that I'm pointed in the right direction, I'm on my way!

Thanks for the support...I'll keep updating (and hoping for your input).

Good luck to everyone, too!
Oh!! I almost forgot!!!

'Weigh-In Day' is I'll let you know if there's been any progress.
I can honestly say though that my stomach looks and feels a little flatter and my cellulite feels a little firmer. Trust's still there...just not as 'cottage-cheesy' (I's gross!! I promise..I'm starting some cardio this weekend!!! :eek: )

Have a great weekend everyone! I prob. won't be able to check in until I hope everyone stays strong this weekend (including myself!!)

Good Luck!
Okay...weigh-in day was Friday.
(Drumroll please.....)


4 lbs. down...16 to go!

I will admit...with Father's Day being this weeked...I splurged..a LOT!
But..I'm gonna get back track...

Wish me luck!
Two words to sum up my progress lately: "uh oh"

Okay...I lost those 4 lbs. FOUR WHOLE POUNDS!! So...I guess I felt like I should celebrate. :(

Let me give you a little summary..Please, feel free to scold me.


Breakfast: Bowl of Cinnamon Toast Crunch
Snack: Slim Fast and gold fish
Lunch: 1 slice of pizza (boss bought lunch...couldn't say no :( ) and water
Dinner: Grilled steak with whole potatoes and baby ear of corn and iced tea


Breakfast: Got up too late
Lunch: Bowl of Cinnamon Toast Crunch w/ SKIM MILK (go ahead, pat me on the back ;) )
Dinner: Went to inlaws for a cookout- had short ribs, corn, and yeast rolls
Baked chocolate chip cookies...had 4 of them :(
Drank skim milk though
Obviously, no exercise


Breakfast: Cookies and whole milk
Lunch: Western Sizzlin' Food Bar- 2 tacos, a bite of fried chicken, 2 yeast rolls smothered in butter, slice of choc. cake, and water
Dinner: Vienna sausage sandwhich with chips and salsa- water to drink
My mom made cookies...had 2 HUGE cookies with water


Breakfast: 2 slices of toast with grape jelly-- water to drink
Lunch: Taco Mayo- 1 crunchy taco minus the lettuce and refried beans with water to drink
Dinner: Maria's Mexican Restuarant- shared HUGE plate of bean nachos w/ hubby, 3 bites of a burrito, chips and chile con queso and salsa, tea to drink.

Tuesday: (Today)

Breakfast: 2 slices of toast w/ grape jelly--- water to drink
Snack: Donut (co-worker pressured me to have one)
Lunch: I started to have McDonalds, I won't lie...instead I found a protein bar and ate it instead.
Dinner: I plan to have a grilled cheese sandwhich with Spaghetti-O's and water to drink.
I also hope to do yoga and perhaps a little cardio.

So, yes...I did HORRIBLY this weekend. I stepped on the scales (just out of curiosity) this morning and I weighed 152 :mad:

I need major support and encouragement!! I WAS doing so good!!
I agree, stop beating yourself up over it. Its no biggie. Just decide that tommorrow you are going to do the best that you can do.
Ok so you know the weekend was a write time to start fresh, dont let it get you down we all have set backs....but its better to catch it now than to let it get to far :) dont start tomorow start right now and get back on track. we're here for you :)