Sport My energy bar recipe - critique is welcome.

Sport Fitness

I recently bought a few different protein bars to try them and see what I liked with the view to copying the one I liked the most seeing as they are so expensive.

So this is what I ended up going with:

1/3 cup almonds
1/4 cup raw cacao nibs
1/4 cup chia seeds
1/4 cup desiccated coconut
2 tablespoons hemp protein
100g cherries
10 dates

I'm guessing with measures as the bars list ingredients but not quantities of course.

I like them a lot, but just wondering do they seem okay or is there something I could change? Protein content enough? I yielded 6 bars from above recipe

Thanks in advance for any suggestions

These look DELICIOUS, thank you. If you're looking for some added protein, texture, and "nuttiness" (as if you don't have enough!), try some raw hemp hearts. They're fantastic sources of omega-3s, protein, fiber, etc.