My before photos... ugh


New member
My name is Kate, Well I'm two weeks into my weight loss journey. I've been exercising and eating vegan for two weeks, but I haven't lost a pound. I fact I gained 8. I am a type one diabetic and my sugars have improved dramatically which would explain the weight gain, but I'm not giving up. I'm 20 years old and 5'9, and I weigh 189.4 pounds. As you can see most my fat has accumulated on my stomach. I know its gross. But I'm getting rid of it. I've had enough
Hi Kate!
Well done on taking a huge step forward by posting your before pictures - it will only get better from here :)
Aw Kate. I'm in the same boat as you, gaining weight if anyfthing.. I'm so over my stomach being so big, I have been eating cleaner and gaining more muscle if anything but I binged ate so much this week I feel so guilty.. What else have you been doing? I want to do boot camp and see how I go.. Im so over being fat too.. I don't think I'm bold enough to do before and after pictures, so I salute you for that.. Let's keep working hard. I know it takes 4 months for you to see results and 6 for others to see them.. If it's only been 2 weeks don't give up!!
Hello Kate! that is very brave and honest step! we all appreciate it. I am sure very soon you will be able to share with us your new pics! I wish you good luck and i am sure you will achieve your goal and get the body of your dreams! have a wonderful day!