Mt Rainier climb approacheth

I will be heading to Tacoma, WA on June 17th for my pending ascent of Rainier (June 22-23). Since my marathon in February I have changed my workout routine considerably.

After the marathon I took off nearly a month (except for short runs and body weight workouts) to heal. Plus my wife and I had our baby daughter which took up tons of time!

In April I started my "official" training for my climb. Here is what I have been doing:
4 days per week I do 45 minutes on the VersaClimber. I climb ~4,000ft during each session.
3 days per week I do some weights (I work my core, shoulders, traps, hip adds/abds and tibialis) along with push-ups and chin-ups.
7 days per week I do Tai Chi in the morning.
1 day per week I mow the lawn (45 minutes) with a 55 lb. backpack on and 10lb. plastic boots on my feet (neighbors think I am bonkers).
1 day per week I hike for 2-4 hours around Sugarloaf mountain (tiny local peak) with a 45 lb. pack on.

I eat 6 to 8 healthy meals per day and drink close to 1.5 gallons of water every day. My marathon workout got me down to about 6.5%BF @ 155lbs. and this latest climbing workout has me down at 5.5%BF @ ~170+ lbs. After the mountain, I hope to stay under 9%BF @ ~185lbs.

I will post a trip report and some pics afterward... And, I am planning to start into the heavy weights (which I haven't done in a year now) to bulk up a bit.


Yea, put some meat on those bones slim :p

Good luck bro, I can't wait to see the pics .
aevans410 said:
Yea, put some meat on those bones slim :p

Good luck bro, I can't wait to see the pics .

All of my workouts have burned away the fat and the muscle! YIKERS!


Hopefully I won't fall into a bottomless crevasse!