Men ?


New member
How many men on this site ?

As a bloke not much of a joiner ie wouldn't go to the local slimming class (sad I know really) but still try to find out info and advice so glad I stumbled onto this site.

Just interested to know how many other men use this site and do you go to slimming groups/clubs If so tour experiences ?
There's a good number of men here. I don't know about the clubs you're referring to, but this is a great site for information and discussion.
Welcome aboard!
I'm a man (at least I was last time I checked)

Not sure of the m/f %s who use this site but I'd guess it can't be a million miles from a 50/50 split. As for slimming clubs, no ta! lol. I might if things got really bad or if I really couldn't do it on my own (and by on my own I actually mean with the support of ppl on here, so not really on my own at all), but it'd be a last resort for me. But that's just me, others could be very different.
23 year old male here. Highest weight I have been is 265 according to the scale i just recently got. I am 5"8 and from various sources I should be in the 150-160's.

I have tried to lose weight one other time and it went well for a month and then i stopped, I am not sure why as I felt great at the time. But I just got into bad habits again.

Not this time :D
Don't know about 150 to 160 Taras that seemed a bit low to me!!
I'm 5 10 would be over the moon to hit 14 and half stone 203 lb but realistically 15 stone 210 would be great. Anyway good to speak to you and all the best
I'm a male, I swim almost daily at a health club, but just swim laps on my own. I'm not against joining any clubs, but time constraints with work and family make it hard. I guess me joining here is my substitute for a "club"
I'm a man, as well... My wife has been pestering me to try out her Zumba class... I just can't (and don't want to try) visualize myself shaking my butt. *Shudder*.

I have a home gym set-up with free weights, and I love running, hiking, etc. I think the key is to get active in something you love, if its sports, or nature, or whatever.
Not a man, but - as a fitness instructor I have several men attend my land and aquafitness classes (in shape and on thier way to in shape) - not all classes are geared towards women, but if it's not your thing then I wouldn't worry about it, there are lots of other things you can do. It would be interesting to know the male to female ratio on this site!
Don't know about 150 to 160 Taras that seemed a bit low to me!!
I'm 5 10 would be over the moon to hit 14 and half stone 203 lb but realistically 15 stone 210 would be great. Anyway good to speak to you and all the best

Yeah you are right it is low, I am not sure if I was half a sleep when i wrote that or what, its suggested to be 160-180 as a good range for me. Goal right now is to get under 200, 199 is fine lol and then I will be transitioning into more weight training and a bit less cardio.

Either way just weighed my self today, about 10 pounds down now in a 1 month of eating healthy and a full week of my cardio :)
In college, i took a class titled "Aerobic Exercise" thinking that it would teach concepts of aerobic exercise and all the different facets involved... I showed up on the first day with 28 women, one other guy, and the class basically involved us dancing to Paula Abdul for a semester... Needless to day it was awkward running around a room prancing and trying to not look the other guy in the eye (who was also prancing)...

Water Aerobics (or aquafitness as mentioned above) is about the best exercise to get very overweight people started, and is amazing exercise anytime. It's essentially zero impact, super hard on your muscles, and is fantastic cardio. I've been in a couple of those classes and felt right at home. My step-father also started a Water Aerobics regimen, and lowered his triglycerides from 350 to 50 in three months... This is a man who has had Quadruple Bypass surgery and is not allowed to lift more than 30 pounds because his sternum never healed back over properly...
In college, i took a class titled "Aerobic Exercise" thinking that it would teach concepts of aerobic exercise and all the different facets involved... I showed up on the first day with 28 women, one other guy, and the class basically involved us dancing to Paula Abdul for a semester... Needless to day it was awkward running around a room prancing and trying to not look the other guy in the eye (who was also prancing)...

Man here also....

I go to the gym with a couple of other guys quite regularly. The main reason is the wimp factor. If you don't feel like going to the gym that day, the other guys in the group really get after you to get your butt off the couch and go exercise!!!! GOOD MOTIVATION!!!