Weight-Loss Memorial Day May 29 - 4th Of July Challenge!!!!!!!!!!

Allright, I'm volunteering to be the magic dust fairy princess. I'm making it my personal goal to not only discover the magic dust, but to distribute it also! I'll have to use a little myself, of course, but we all seem to need it, so I'll track it down. Ok, now everybody say together, "I do believe in fairies, I do believe in fairies". Got it?:p
I'm at 208 yay. I was plateauing at 212-215. The changes I made was, i stopped weight lifting, im on a 1 week break this week. (I'm rebooting my body system). Then i'll start up again on total body workouts MWF on monday. I also think its because im eating too little calories, i upped it to about 1800-2000 and it made a world of difference. So to prevent this next time, i'm going to eat a little more, n im not going to workout everyday, i think ive been overtraining my muscles.
Crap! The 4th is comin' up fast and I am STILL stuck!!! GRRRR :mad: Danged plateaus!
The 4th is tomorrow. I think my fairy dust is on backorder right now. I hate to disappoint, but I don't even think I lost weight now! I did initially, and then everything went haywire & I'm on a fast yo-yo right now bouncing all around. This challenge didn't work so well for me, I guess. I'm going to have to stay out of the challenges for a while, they're so stressful! Good luck to everyone else, I'll post my weight tomorrow & we'll see how it comes out.
208 final weight. i struggled a lot with that plateau. I also learned alot about how my body reacts to exercise, so, im more knowledgeable of what works n what doesnt work..though i still have a lot of "getting to know me."
Congrats every1 I hope we continue to push ourselves and inspire eachother