Meditation to aid in recovery

I’ve recently read that meditation can aid in the body’s recovery from exercise by lowering cortisol levels and reducing the inflammation response. It was said that many high level professional athletes incorporate meditation into their training to achieve faster rebounds from intense workouts.

I was wondering if anyone here has any experience using meditation as a part of their fitness routine. I’m always looking to evolve my approach to fitness, but I’d like to hear about the experience of others before I commit to adding another dimension to my already busy lifestyle.

Thanks for your advice!
Committing to meditation to your already busy lifestyle would be another reason to commit to it ;) It has numerous possibilities let alone being able to speed up the healing process. Quieting the mind is amazing for everything.

I obtain frequent injuries being an athlete, also being slightly addictive to exercise, and meditation helps me wondrously, my frequent injuries are healed in a matter of days at times when i engage in meditational practices.

Not to get into any spiritual guru voo doo stuff, but another thing which helps me is using the law of attraction - like attracts like, which can be amazingly corporated into meditation, or visualization techniques. It works by the fact that your brain controls the healing process, thus if you were to go to the original source and change your thought process into believing you can quickly heal, it will happen. If you were to constantly be inflicted in pain and have constant negative thoughts about it, it will take longer to heal, versus if you were to be able to escape from the pain and have positive thoughts, or no thoughts, the healing happens more rapidly.

Meditation is the practice of listening to the silence between thoughts, and if you are an athlete in a hectic lifestyle, this can be hard to train towards, which is why there are numerous techniques of visualization and other things to get towards meditation.
You can start by focusing on one thing, and one thing only - easier for beginners to slowly train the mind to nothingness, which includes, focusing on music, or an object, or visualizing thoughts disappearing down a river, or using mantras, ect.

The main thing that helps me recover from injuries are visualization meditative techniques, such as imagining healing energies of white light surrounding the area, or for example if my foot was injured, i would distance myself from my negative thoughts and the pain through meditation. It can be hard to accomplish when the injury is so noticeable and painful, thus relaxation techniques are recommended before hand. Instead of focusing on the injured foot, i would imagine it healed, i would imagine myself running, or dancing around on my foot. Like attracts like, which means, positive thoughts attract positive results and vice versa. This process certainly works amazingly for me. I get injuries often. And even torn ligaments, or broken bones, things that my physio guy says will take months or years to heal from, heal in a matter of only a few days or weeks.

I found meditation easier to get into by starting listening to relaxation music. My mind was not easily conquered. But every time i am down from injuries i have a lot of time to spare, and i devote it to taking things easy, lots and lots of relaxation techniques, and calming the mind, and eventually getting towards meditation. I also find it easier to meditate while laying down, and i get better results.
Anyways, it does vastly heal my process of healing.