Weight-Loss Low carb breakfast ideas



New member
Hi everyone,
I really need some help with some breakfast ideas. I have just started a low carb diet and can only have 20g of carbs a day. I can handle that but if I have cereal or toast for breakfast I'll blow the carb count in one hit. I can have eggs but I have been told not to eat more than 3 egss a week because of the cholestral content and I already have a high reading.
Has anyone got any quick breakfast ideas that are high in protein but low in carbs.
Oh by the way I only have about 15 minutes in the morning for breakfast so I can't be cooking up a storm.
Please help.:confused:
when my dad was on this, he just ate the really high fat stuff ... like sausages, etc. Try that route and you are good to go.
the cholesterol in eggs is only a problem when the eggs are older than 5 days. If you can find a farmer nearby that will sell you fresh eggs and you don't have to rely on the grocerie store, you should be able to eat more than 3 a week. Also you can eat just the eggwhites and then there's no cholesterol problem either.
Thanks Lisa. I can't get fresh eggs but you reminded me about eating just the egg whites. I went to the GNC store today and was told that cholesterol from eggs isn't a problem when you are on low carbs. It's when combined with sugars etc. Now I'm really confused/
Hey Dia,

that I don't understand either...that would mean that French Toast is not good, but scrambeled eggs are?
I think I would go back there and have them explain it to me a little better. If they do, will you share the info you get...that really made me curious.
french toast isn't good for you ... high carbs and loaded w/ sugar from the syrup, jam and whatever else you might put on it. Scrambled eggs are great as long as you don't throw a bunch of junk on them (salt, ketchup, etc).
for french toast you can use whole wheat bread - it's a little different, but not bad and you don't have to put on all that sweet stuff. Use a little bit of sweetener (you can use splenda) in the mixture and some cinnamon and vanilla. And when it;s done, if anything, I put a tiny bit of margarine or jam.
My typical breakfast is very low in carbohydrates and great for starting the day. I have a protein mocha, made from either coffee and chocolate Myoplex Lite and sugar-free, fat-free chocolate pudding powder, or from hot water, Cappuccino Ice Myoplex Lite and sugar-free, fat-free chocolate pudding powder. I have tried other breakfasts, omelets, cereal -- we even did a french toast breakfast (with low-carb bread) last week, but nothing compares to the protein mocha in terms of taste, and satisfaction! It hasn't gotten boring, even after having it practically every day for the last year or so.

Unfortunately, it is best with Cappuccino Ice flavor Myoplex Lite, which has been discontinued. (Cappuccino flavor is not the same... it's okay, I suppose, but no where near as good as the old flavor. :( ) So I'm starting to work with the first recipe there, starting with coffee instead of hot water.
that's funny cuz i was doing a straigh protein shake for almost a year and i never got bored of it either, and i totally expected that after only a few weeks it would get old. I think that mixing up different types of fruits every week helped, tho.
Try scrambled egg white, omelettes made from egg beaters and fat free cheese, turkey bacon, etc.
Don't be afraid to be unconventional and eat turkey breast or chicken or something similar!
Also, low carb yogurts are good, or low carb bread with peanut butter.