Lost 75 lbs in 5 months!! BEFORE/AFTER Pics

i'd like to have some news too. i hope sincerelly things got better and that u achieved ur goal again
I'm about 75lbs overweight, I just want you to know this is a huge inspiration for me. I need to lose atleast 50lbs before this summer when I return home to the states. This helped alot. Thank you so much <3
Originally Posted by greenunicorn123

I'm about 75lbs overweight, I just want you to know this is a huge inspiration for me. I need to lose at least 50lbs before this summer when I return home to the states. This helped alot. Thank you so much <3


Good luck with your weight loss!

I am glad that you found this thread as abercrmb's thread is the reason that I also believed that I could lose weight(at the beggining it was the fact that it only took 5months that appealed to me too).

I am not sure if you noticed but ambercrmb has not been on here since 2010, so you may not get a reply from her.

I was also inspired by this thread as were many others on here and have been successful in my own weight loss and nearly a year later I am still working at it.

If I can offer you any advice, It would be for you to not focus on the time it takes to lose weight, we are all different and have different metabolisms, lifestyles and goals etc.

If you can then try to focus more on a good balance of healthy eating and exercise, I assure you the weight will come off, but you have to keep at it, even if you have a week when you maintain/gain or even put weight on, just keep going.

If you have any questions, please feel free to ask.

Good luck


If you ever read this message board again, I hope you have succeeded in your weight loss, You were the first story I read on here over a year ago and I was so inspired by your hard work and dedication that it gave me hope that I too could lose weight, judgeing by your first photo we possibly started at about the same weight (I was 245lbs).

I hope you read the messages on here from all of the other forum members and I think alot of them don't realise that you havent been on here in over a year.

I want to say thanks for putting yourself out there and showing us all that it can be done- I think the fact that you lost 75lbs in 5 months is what really appealed to me in the first place, but after doing it myself I can really appreciate how hard you must have worked and I really hope that you managed to get back on track.

If you ever read these messages and if you havent done so already, I hope you get back to a weight that you are comfortable and happy with.

Thanks for sharing your fantastic weight loss journey with us.

Congratulations ladies! You both look amazing!!! So inspiring :)