losing wieght, need help

ALRIGHTY then. let me just give you a quick overview. im a guy, 16, 5'11' and wiegh 184 lbs.yes im overwieght i know, i know. however, ive lost 46 lbs since september! weee for me! but im not happy! no, no, no,no, no. i wanna keep losing wieght. i go to the gym, usually burn off 1200 calories. on the treadmill (or so it tells me, EVIL LYING TREADMILL YOU SHALL DIE!) ahem, ok then. so yea, i also do wieghts, i usually spend an average of two hours at the gym. one and a half of cardio and the rest of wieght lifting. i dont eat alot. this is what i eat. ill give you today and yesterday as examples!


3:30 - snapple pie (SORRY I COULDNT RESIST)
4:30- a steak (prepared how hispanics do, its like really thin, so yea, its not a big huge steak, maybe 1 oz. i dunno my measurment so dont abuse me if got it wrong)
5:00- 5 crackers


3:30 - a steak (like the one i had today)
9:00- a banana

thats usually what i eat, my doctor says i had an ED, my friend lisa harrases me and punches me so i can eat. -.- but whatever, im not losing wieght, so i need YOU to help ME! wee, alright, thanx. and i do have a lot of arm and leg muscle....dunno, just added that in. bwahahahha
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Is that all you eat? Dude, get yourself to a restaurant and eat something! Your body has gone into starvation mode and is saving all the fat that it can - you know, the stuff you want to get rid of! Get up to 2000 calories a day and keep doing the workouts and I bet you will see some big improvements over the next month or two. You might gain weight for a week or two, but stick with it!

Ideally you should eat 5 or 6 equal meals each day - so that would mean 400 calories per meal spaced every few hours so that you get 2000 calories. Even that level of caloric intake might not be enough, but it is a LOT better than what you are doing now.

Oh, and try to get your workout done in an hour... you sure could be overtraining as well. Do the weights before you do the cardio.