Loestrin Birth Control... weight gain?

Hey i got a question... I just started useing the birth control called
Loestrin24 Fe. I started it about I guess 1 and 1/2 weeks ago. Since then I have noticed that I looked...well...bloated, or that I am hanging onto fat around my midsection more than usual.. It says one of the side effects are weight gain, but so does orth tri cyclin which is what I used to take. I cannot take that anymore because of health issues. I take the Loestrin straight through my period, so I dont have one. I made myself skip the last one, Im very anemic on it, and get very faint. So that is what my doctor told me to do. Anyways, I was just wondering If anyone else has had that problem? My diet is clean, I am trying to get my instructers certification for the local gym, so I take a high intensity step aerobics class at least 6 days a week, sometimes twice a day, and I have a clean diet. probaly about 1800calories a day, sometimes a bit more depending on how intense the class was. thanks!!!!
I had a similar problem when I was on the patch, and then the weight gain and such stopped once I stopped using it. I think some formulations of pills just don't agree with some people.
maybe i should try stopping it and see what happens... man I cant win for looseing can I? LOL
That is interesting the patch did the same thing to you. Was it just water weight that it made you gain?
i agree. the patch sucks! i think b/c it is a higher dosage, not sure, but i bloated too.

loestrin i believe is supposed to be low dose. i wouldn't just stop it w/o checking in with your doctor first. i would let them know about your concerns. also, they say to give it at least three months to see what effect it will have b/c your hormones have to adjust.

i'm currently on yasmine. i do like yasmine, i feel i have less overall side effects, but every month when i start them up again, in the beginning they kind of make me nauseas.

check out this link below for information on side effects, scroll to bottom to see chart. i hope this helps, but i would definitely speak to your doctor about any issues or concerns u may have.
thanks for the article Lillian, I found it very informative. It is interesting that it reads that if you have a problem with weight gain from the pill, one of the best ones to switch to is the Loestrin. I will definatly give it some time, and see how I do on it. I want this pill to work, because I feel great on it other than that... perhaps it was my pigging out at captain georges on Friday...LOL I wont tell you guys how much I ate...
Lillian said:
i'm currently on yasmine. i do like yasmine, i feel i have less overall side effects, but every month when i start them up again, in the beginning they kind of make me nauseas.

i have the same prob. since ive had my son i just recently started on yasmin again, and i feel naucious all the time plus major headaches and really bad mood swings...last time i was on it, it passed so im hoping now will be the same it hasnt let up yet however, also i know its supposed to be a b.c. pill which allows u to loose like 2 lbs a year or something like that, i feel like when im on it though...it just makes me more hungry...ne one else have this prob?
I too am on Yasmine, and out of all the ones I've been on its the best one for me. We're all different!! I even tried this thing called The Ring, it has almost no horomones, but it didnt agree with me a bit!!

So I was wondering if anyone as ever tried an IUD?? The reason I'm asking, I was reading this thread and thought maybe I was having the mood swings and hunger issues due to the yasmin. I actually messed up this month so I just stopped it till next month, and I have to say my mood an appetite are much different!! So I was talking with some co-workers and many have used the IUD for years, and loved it. I researched it online as well and it looks like the leading BC for women. The one thing that frightens me is the cramping, but if it subsides quickly I'll deal with it. The thought of no EXTRA hormones is real appealing!!!
I heard that it can hurt when they put it in, and that scares me too! I quit taking the Loestrin because it is sooo expensive, and my weight plummeted back down to where it was, and my periods arent even as bad now. I was hungry all the time while on the pill too...now Im back to normal. Gah, I hate all those extra hormones, its ridiculous! Glad I dont have a boyfriend right now, because I dont know what Im gonna do bout birth control
tryin2bafitmoma said:
i have the same prob. since ive had my son i just recently started on yasmin again, and i feel naucious all the time plus major headaches and really bad mood swings...last time i was on it, it passed so im hoping now will be the same it hasnt let up yet however, also i know its supposed to be a b.c. pill which allows u to loose like 2 lbs a year or something like that, i feel like when im on it though...it just makes me more hungry...ne one else have this prob?

i actually just switched to Alesse, so i'm gonna see how it works out for me. i was on Alesse before and it worked good for me, so hopefully my body reacts the same way. i couldn't handle the nauseaus feeling in the middle of the night anymore. i've been on it for almost a year and it didn't go away and it wasn't really helping my cramp situation, so i figured it may be time for a change.
I used to take Loestrin, and though I don't specifically remember becoming bloated, it wouldn't surprise me. I'm on Mircette now, and I still always look bloated. I'm too afraid to stop taking it though because everyone I asked said it got worse when they stopped. I think Yasmine has a mild diuretic component so you may lose some water retention on that. I was thinking about switching, but I take them for PCOS, not birth control, and I already know that Mircette works well for my other symptoms. I'd hate to switch to something else and screw it all up.
I also used to take Loestrin and before that i took mirena and i did notice weight gain as well as other side effects on both. I started on the birtch control shot at the begining of this year called and im finding it very effective so far with no noticibale side effects, but alot of other girls seem to have bleeding issues on it so do your reseach if you want to switch it up.
Nuva Ring

I'm the Nuva Ring for health reasons. I've been on it for at least two years, and have had no problems. It's low estrogen and generally does a good job controlling my cramps. I've considered IUDs, but I heard they are a bit painful. Even though their ads show they are really small.
Loestrin never caused me any weight gain. Actually, no side effects for me at all. But everone is different. Could just be how your body reacts to it. :confused: