
It was and I'm so glad I went! It was overwhelmingly wonderful. Not as much music as I'd hoped but a beautiful guest speaker with a lovely accent. I'm so glad to be back! At this point I don't care if they're religious fundamentalists: I need my fix :ROFLMAO:
Visiting musicians at meditation class sounds interesting, Llama. I'm glad you enjoyed it so much & have a lovely night's sleep.
It was and I'm so glad I went! It was overwhelmingly wonderful. Not as much music as I'd hoped but a beautiful guest speaker with a lovely accent. I'm so glad to be back! At this point I don't care if they're religious fundamentalists: I need my fix :ROFLMAO:
Sounds amazing! I'm so glad you are continuing to get so much out of it!
Thanks guys! It was so nice and I'm 100% motivated to meditate daily again.
Meditated, got rained on walking to work, had a decent breakfast and made sure to pack elevensies as well, checked out a new eatery with a friend which turned out to be really cool (and made me fill my empty breakfast container with leftovers), got absolutely soaked walking home, called a friend, went for a run (thought I'd get drenched again but the rain stopped just as I left the house), stretched, ate those leftovers, and now I'm happily lazing on the couch watching a garden show. A good day.

Note to self: must check the map store tomorrow for a hiking map of the area we'll be visiting next week. As well as see if I can find my second raincoat: apparently Friend doesn't own one :eek:
Running is going surprisingly well, probably because I set my expectations so low and take time to cool down and stretch after.

Got absolutely drenched twice today but still walked 10 km and I think I bought the right map. Did the least interesting one of the city hikes (4 km through social housing areas; barely an afternoon stroll) but couldn't get my stamp because the bakery where I was supposed to ask for it was closed already.
Oh, also did family exercise.
PS: I had sudden exercise motivation after dinner and because I didn't want to further beat up my legs I went to the gym for the first time in mumblemumblemumble and did some rowing and shoulder stability. Which was genuinely nice.
Looks like a beautiful hike after the rain when it's all fresh! Beautiful slug, too, and so fun getting all muddy!! I love hearing how well you've taken to meditation and how much it benefits you. We've been getting upper body exercise painting, and it feels really nice. I love things that bring more flexibility and openness to the upper chest area like rowing does, too. We've been doing a lot of chest openers in yoga and it really lifts our moods.
Awesome, Llama! Glad u had a good hike. I might go do one this morning.
Thank you! I hope the rain didn't stop you.
Looks like a beautiful hike after the rain when it's all fresh! Beautiful slug, too, and so fun getting all muddy!!
Maybe not just after the rain. More like, after, during, and before more rain. But it was lovely. The mud in that picture was only halfway through: I was completely covered up to the back of my knees by the end!
We've been getting upper body exercise painting, and it feels really nice. I love things that bring more flexibility and openness to the upper chest area like rowing does, too. We've been doing a lot of chest openers in yoga and it really lifts our moods.
Thanks for the reminder about stretching: I really need to keep on top of my shoulder mobility if I'm going to rebuild my strength without issues. And I want to! Rowing absolutely knocked me out yesterday and I want to start swimming again soon as well.

Legs are fine but I got super hungry once I started eating so I think I may have overdone it in the past week anyway. So I had a lovely 90-minute nap, which may be a bit of a waste of time, buuut... It's Sunday. Made for naps. And napping is much better than going out for chocolate and chips.
Napping is one of the great pleasures in life. Ask any cat. I'd never view it as a time waster. I miss hiking in the rain. You've inspired me, as it's been dumping huge thunderstorms of rain here. Rowing is exhausting if you haven't done it in a while. I think I'd consider your nap as recovery time.
Napping, hiking & enjoying the rain? That all sounds like you made the most of your weekend, Llama xoxo
Thanks guys. I clearly needed that nap because I still keeled over by 8:15 pm and slept for 10 hours straight. Woke up refreshed and relaxed, then made the mistake of checking my phone and had a upsetting message that put my brain back into freakout mode. But I guess that's just how it goes. Meditated, started a load of laundry, ran, stretched, showered, made my bed, made breakfast... And now I kind if want to go back to sleep.
10 hours straight sleep? Wowsers! I hope that this upsetting message is not too serious, Llama or is solvable xoxo
Thanks Cate :grouphug: Nothing serious, just upsetting. I've been feeling fragile these past few days, maybe because I've been more diligent about my meditations. I'm actually kind of proud of myself for managing to get into a meditative state after getting yanked out of my relaxed wake-up state. I really wanted to give up after 5 minutes of struggle but I stuck with it and after maybe another 15 my brain finally opened up. Not as good a session as it could've been but much better than if I'd given up. So that's good.

Just realized I haven't been to the pharmacy to get my new prescription so I should do that on my way to work. I don't want to go to work today though, and I don't want to spend the energy to think of and make something for lunch and dinner. The vegetarian options at the bakery are super unsatisfying though. They don't taste bad; it's just that the ones that don't make me sick don't keep me full for longer than an hour or two while being just as expensive as the more filling options. So I should figure something out. I have crackers... I dunno. Best if I just got up, get going, and go to the grocery store along the way as well.
good for you sticking with the meditation even when you felt like quitting after a few minutes. That is the big challenge to keep up the routine even when it is difficult or you go through a dry spell where the meditation just feels boring.
I hope the day improves as you get going and you find some satisfying food choices!