
I suppose people who use so much fragrance probably don't even notice it at all...and probably some people wonder why i don't use a bit of fragrance sometimes lol...
:p I always assume it's like people shouting because they are hard of hearing.
:p I always assume it's like people shouting because they are hard of hearing.
could be!

Yesterday was pretty low movement, but a pleasant day. I always feel like I should get at least a short morning walk in both for a bit of a calorie burn, but also mental health wise--it just usually perks me up a bit...but the morning was gone before I knew it and got some things done that needed doing so was glad of that. The physio exercises also take a good chunk of time too so that sort of cuts into walking time...

Anyways did my best with logging in my food from memory and if I am right it was a good deficit even without the extra walking...I actually didn't feel like eating much in the evening at all, so just had a bit of chocolate and a cracker and that was apparently my supper!

walk-30 min
protein-49%--ok so should have had my protein powder!
calorie deficit-480
I would like to have a day occasionally when I'm not hungry. :)
Yes! It is so odd for me to not feel like eating, but i was very happy to welcome that...i made up for it yesterday though!
Looks like you did well, walk or no walk.
Thanks! Yes sometimes i have to remember that i don't have to go for a walk in the morning. It's ok to stay home and get things done, or even to just rest. It seems i think i will feel rotten if i don't walk all the time, but honestly getting things done often feels like the actual better choice.
This morning I have a walk planned with a friend so will definitely be getting out today.

I messaged my PT yesterday with a few questions about my program--she is so great and lovely. Messaged me back answering all my questions and praising me for being so consistent with the routine. While i found it so difficult to force myself to go to PT, I am so glad I went. I really like her and really feel like this is going to set me up for a much better future with my body.

Food choices were not great at all yesterday. I don't think I had any veggies! Heavy on carbs, and more sweets than my goal...but I did get a decent amount of protein at least...and got a good amount of walking in...and picked up some extra veggies when hopefully will do better in that regard...i still need more veggies though. I haven't bought any salad greens in a while--maybe that will be next shopping trip.

Hitting maintenance on a bad food day is pretty amazing. Also: so glad to hear you feel properly supported by your new therapist.
Hitting maintenance on a bad food day is pretty amazing. Also: so glad to hear you feel properly supported by your new therapist.
Thanks Llama--I can see this PT seems really committed to doing a really good job. I know at my first visit she encouraged me to message her with any questions but i felt like that would be a bit demanding or whatever...but then at the second visit she really encouraged me to message her as she said she can tweak the program as i work through it. She seemed genuinely happy that I did message her!
It's excellent that your PT is so encouraging & helpful. Enjoy your walk with your friend, Liza :)
Thanks Cate--we had a lovely walk together :) I wasn't too sure about dragging him through some of the more muddy areas but he was happy to and really loved the paths I took him on. He's got a very busy life so we don't get to go walking too often but it's so fun when we do!

Well movement-wise and food-wise I did ok yesterday. I didn't log my foods but I think at least at maintenance and quite possibly a deficit. I really enjoyed that morning walk, but I had a good dose of anxiety hit later in the day and it kind of swallowed up my evening, and invaded my sleep and I didn't feel at all like getting up and facing the day today...but I did and so another day begins and I will make the best of it and be grateful for all the lovely things in my life.

This morning I am grateful for:
-a wonderful breakfast--pancake with coffee
-sun shining
-a lovely apartment
I wasn't too sure about dragging him through some of the more muddy areas but he was happy to and really loved the paths I took him on. He's got a very busy life so we don't get to go walking too often but it's so fun when we do!
Joy shared is joy doubled. Also: my parents went for a muddy walk the other day as well. Dad tested a deeper puddle, sank in "maybe 15 cm" and decided that would be ok for Mom! Aaand... she fell right into the mud. No harm done that I know of but he literally had to pull her out of the mud: yikes.
That's wonderful that your PT is so involved in the treatment plan. That's a really good idea to have some wiggle room for not gaining the weight back. I hope you have a stress free day today and can take some of the peacefulness from your woods with you throughout your day.
Joy shared is joy doubled. Also: my parents went for a muddy walk the other day as well. Dad tested a deeper puddle, sank in "maybe 15 cm" and decided that would be ok for Mom! Aaand... she fell right into the mud. No harm done that I know of but he literally had to pull her out of the mud: yikes.
Oh dear to your mom falling right into the mud! Glad your dad was able to pull her out and no harm was done.
A pancake with coffee sounds like a fantastic start to the day. Hope your mood improved as the day went on.
Thanks Emily--yesterday was good and easy thankfully!
Your morning walk sounds lovely. Your anxiety doesn't. I hope tomorrow is a better day, Liza xo
yes definitely could have done without yet another round of anxiety!
That's wonderful that your PT is so involved in the treatment plan. That's a really good idea to have some wiggle room for not gaining the weight back. I hope you have a stress free day today and can take some of the peacefulness from your woods with you throughout your day.
Thank you Marsia! I do feel like the peacefulness of the trails really does stick with me.

So yeah yesterday the day was kept easy and light. Not much movement but got through the pt exercises, and my usual walking in. Another strange evening of not feeling like eating so calories came out good despite having a nice piece of chocolate cake earlier in the day.

It is Lent and have given some thought to what I would like to do for that. i won't be doing anything food-wise though...just going to be looking at other aspects of my life that I really think need more work than my diet for now. So stuff more along the lines of community involvement etc. I listened to a really nice Thich Nhat Hanh talk last night. He isn't someone I've listened to much of, but I found him very lovely to listen to and he's a great influence for being both on the track for inner work as well as doing positive work for one's community so I think I will be listening to some more of him.

Walk-45 min
calorie deficit-500
I like your idea of putting your focus on something other than food, especially given that you seem to be doing well on that front.
I went to a meditation group a few times that followed Thich Nhat Hanh's teachings and a few of them had even been to Plum Village. I read one of his books a while ago. He definitely has some good ideas! Haha.
I like your idea of putting your focus on something other than food, especially given that you seem to be doing well on that front.
Yes the food thing seems to be going well and definitely some other areas in my life that could use a bit more work!
I like that idea too. Having an easy and light day sounds good, Liza :)
Thanks Cate-I love the easy and light days! I could have a lot more of them if my brain did a little better at not imagining disasters all the time!
I went to a meditation group a few times that followed Thich Nhat Hanh's teachings and a few of them had even been to Plum Village. I read one of his books a while ago. He definitely has some good ideas! Haha.
haha yes! he seems to have a few good ideas for sure!
I had read a couple of books of his before but for some reason never listened to his talks but he is so nice to listen to...

Yesterday was good. Again felt light and easy. My brain is giving me a bit of a break it seems! Went on a nice walk in the morning in an area I don't go very often. It was a nice change. I got a few sweet peas started indoors--not sure if the seeds are viable so will see how they do...

Ate well and kept calories in the deficit. Did well in the evening for resisting the temptation to sink into mindlessness. Got the dishes done, played some piano and watched only a reasonable amount of tv.

walk-75 min
calorie deficit-400
I love listening to Thich Nhat Hanh. He just oozes compassion, and it seems contagious. I love when he laughs, too. I am practicing something from my ACT book where they say that to only listen to thoughts that are a) true and b) useful. They have to be both or believing the thought will just lead to stress. I am getting so maybe a quarter of the time now I catch myself believing untrue and/or unhelpful thoughts and can happily disengage.

Sounds like a really nice day and good break from anxiety. I am routing for your sweet peas to all come up!
I love listening to Thich Nhat Hanh. He just oozes compassion, and it seems contagious. I love when he laughs, too.
Yes exactly--I was surprised to feel that even through a video! I can't imagine what he would have been like to be around in-person!
I just ordered a digital download of one of his books :)
I'm glad you got a break from your anxiety, Liza xo
Thanks Cate! yes will take any breaks I can that anxiety will give me :)

So today official weigh-in, still at 139, body fat somewhere between 26 and 31% depending on not too much change there...
Yesterday was a fairly good day. I feel tempted to try a very slow ease into walk-run...I have a schedule that is specifically for post-injury...I just don't see my back improving much and it just seems kind of stuck in the place of not being terrible but not really improving...
I am missing the joy of a good run...i dunno we'll see..maybe just a good long walk will do me good enough today...and then soon it will be warm enough to get the bike out which hopefully my back won't react to...

I seem to have given up on the swimming idea...between the need of a swimsuit, public pools, and not being a capable swimmer...i just so far can't seem to convince myself it's a good idea...but yeah maybe something to reconsider again...

I guess I'm feeling just a little down today...hopefully a walk will cheer me up a bit!