little bit concerned

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New member
Hey guys,

Have just read some interesting stories on how you also struggle to lose your baby weight with the second baby, while breastfeeding.

Can some one give me some kind of answers to my story?

I have a 4 and a half year old, who i breastfed and lost all my baby weight and then some really quickly after she was born.

Also was not healthy with doing this and got extremely underweight and battled a terrible eating disorder.

After i stopped breastfeeding, when she was 16months old, i went back to work and gained a healthy 10 kilo's.

Then had my second child, who i gained 27 kilo's with! now i have lost with her 23 kilo's from this, but i have not changed my diet at all, and have not stopped eating thoughout this period, just ate what i wanted and didnt exercise or anything.

My question is, i am at a normal weight now for my height and have been this weight before having children. Do you guys think it will be easier to lose a little more weight after i finish breastfeeding this time. I still would like to lose a extra 4 or 5 kilos, not much, just to feel a bit more comfortable and to get back to the exact weight i was before having my second child?

Really worried i will gain weight again, like the last time i stopped breastfeeding, although i am not underweight this time.

Please help!
I am not a doctor or anything but what I did is the last few weeks I was breastfeeding I started to count calories I ate and I was told that a breastfeeding women uses an extra 500cal a day, so when I stopped breastfeeding I cut out 500 cals a day. It worked for until I went back to work then I gained back the weight. Not everyone is the same and I am not a trained nutritonsit or anything.
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