Cohen's Lifestyle Last chance Charlie

Prefix for Cohen's Lifestyle


New member
Hi Everyone -
I am about to start Cohen's and have been reading thru the threads and feel that I will seriously need some help. They look like great forums.
I am in my mid 30's and have tried numerous diets. I was told about Cohen's and feel that this is a good opportunity for me to get to my goal weight, however I don't think I have ever been on such a scrict diet.
My concerns are with my line of work and hours at work, the social aspect of work I am going to struggle..... but I need to do this to shift the 20 kilos. So I will need the support of this forum.
The other thing I am concerned about is... I am not that great at cooking, well I actually don't enjoy it. So if anyone has any tips i would appreciate it.
I start on Monday!!!!:hurray:
Hi Charlie, Sorry my welcome is late but I have been away for the w/e & no-one else seems to be about. Cohen's is very strict but I liked that. The fact that it is black and white & you are not trying to work out if you should or shouldn't have something helped me immensely. If it's not on your plan you don't have it- simple. Cohen's works like nothing else ever did for me & still does. I have been on maintenance now for 3 years & am happy with my weight & how I look. It feels good just to type that. :) I am much more confident at 57 yrs than I have ever been. I feel "normal" and that is such a good feeling.
We will help you along the way but please know that it is you doing this and you are more than capable of following it through and succeeding. We all deserve to be slim & healthy. Read the motivational sayings each day. I will try to find some that may help you personally when I get an idea of what I think you need. Say what you like in here & do not worry about what others may think. We do not judge. We are friends and have all been in the same boat. You may make lasting friends from the forum. Don't be at all surprised by the warmth that is here.
The first few days you may find it tough. You will be hungry. Drink lots of water. Space out your crackers & fruit. Apples may make you hungry so perhaps eat some other fruit instead the first week. Get as much sleep as you can. Look forward to catching up with you again. I'll never forget your name. My Dad was Charlie & our younger grand-son was named after him which was lovely.
All the best Charlie. You can do this!
Cheers, Cate
Oh crap, I just wrote a big reply and it got lost in cyber world.
Anyway I just wanted to say THANKS for replying Cate. I am like you, I need the strictness of Cohens otherwise I find it too easy to stray.
Day 4 and I am a little tired, have a bit of a head ache, but have found it reasonably easy. Not looking forward to the weekend though. I am quite social so that is going to be tough. Any suggestions send them my way.
I thought I would put down my dimensions, this will hold me accountable and I can update them every week.
Arm 27 cm
Bust 106 cm
Waist 100cm
Hips 114cm
Thigh 62 cm
Hi Charlie!
Welcome to the digital world of Cohens support! We here know EXACLTY what you are going through and we also know what you are YET to go through!
But dont be discouraged! We are here for a reason and some of us have been around for years! EHHEH so dont think its ever a ín and out' situation.
Congratulations on starting your journey and also for taking the leap and siging up! Its a big decition! But with determination and commitent you will see great results and I mean GREAT!

Thats one thing--if you stick with the diet, Cohens will give you want you want= loosing weight! its worked for me and it will work for you!
I read that you are worried about the social aspect of things!:cheers2: Ye is tough NO lies and it doesnt realy get any better Sorry! But keep in mind that its not forever and if you do it now and you do it RIGHT then you dont have to do it again! :iagree:

There are a few things that the program tought me and has stuck and somethings that i still need to get right but i believe in investing in yourself and always believe that you deserve beter- beter health a beter lifestyle- to look beter and to FEEL beter! That can only come from you and no one can do that for you! YOU ARE ON THE THE RIGHT TRACK!

We here look forward to your post and we will cheer you along all the way! Once again WELCOME AND LET THE WEIGHT LOSS BEGIN yay!

Much Greets!
Hi Charlie, I'm fairly sociable too and enjoy a drink or two. We don't need alcohol to enjoy ourselves. It's just a mental thing. You can pretend. Just drink mineral water or diet drinks (within the limit) and have fun. No hangover, you can be the driver....think of all the "brownie points" you can amass by looking after your friends. If you find it too hard then just take some time off being so sociable. It's only temporary. Stick to your plan 100% and before you know it you'll be at goal weight. It gets easier & easier as you go. Have a good Cohen's week-end, picturing yourself at your goal weight. Keep your eyes on the prize & remember "nothing tastes as good as slim feels" , xo Cate.
Thanks Cate and Starfish! That motivation will get me throughg the weekend I am sure!! I will let you know how I go.
Quick question did you guys feel dizzy a bit dazed in the first week?
Yep. It gets better but try not to do too much for a while & get lots of rest. You will lose weight without exercise :) xo Cate
PS Do you have a Labrador dog called Charlie?
You two are awesome! Thanks for the words of encouragement!!!
Yes I do have a Lab called Charlie. He is gorgeous. He is chocolate brown and I call him Charlie Brown. Little munchkin is on a diet also.
Have a great weekend ladies. xx
Ok, sorry for the late response! Work has been killer... so it makes this dieting quite easy.
I don't have the exact measurements with me at the moment but I am pretty sure I lost 6cm week one, 4-5 cm week 2.... I will post these on line when next on line at home and I have lost 4.5 - 5 kilos in two weeks.
Very chuffed at the moment!
C x
Great news, Charlie's mum :) Keeping busy at work is not a bad thing to take your mind off what you are not eating. I hope you are able to get plenty of sleep though so that your body can produce lots of HGH. Take care & happy losing xo Cate
Hi -
Thought I would let you know that I did my first weigh in just 4 weeks after starting and I have lost 7 kilos. I am very happy with that and it has given me inspiration to keep going and moving on. There was a bit of a lag there in the back end of the month.... but I am fully inspried again xx
Hi Charlie, just saw your thread now. I know how you feel about the socializing. I've never said no to a drink before I started this diet and now I'm actually scared to go out to a bar/club because I know, I know I won't be able to resist. I've explained this to most of my friends (the really good ones) and they understand why I don't go out with them at night and just stick to the movie and dinner dates (where I bring my packed food). I did drink on my 2 cheat days 2 weeks ago and I really enjoyed, which confirms my lack of self-control when it comes to cocktails! Oh well, there'll be time to party when the Cohen Journey is done :)

Good luck and hope you're doing well!
Hey Charlie,

Woop woop, congrats on the 7kg's!!! Glad it has inspired you again.

I'm with you and GLT on the drinking issue, I have to sociliase alot and it gets really difficult for me to when everyone else around me is partying, always feel like a bit of a party pooper telling my boyfriend i'm tired and want to go home, lol, he understands though which is all that matters to me.

Remember you are doing this for yourself and if you bend the only person you hurt and set back is yourself, try and stick with it and before you know it, you will be back to your "normal" life :)

Have a great day.

Hey, Congats on loosing 7kgs!!!
I have also just started cohens, Im on day 5 now! yay and going pretty strong!
I cant believe its been 5 days and i havent had bread, milk or sugar! its amazing haha.
I started cohens on a thursday and it was very hard on the friday and saturday with all my friends drinking!
I hope your still doing great on your journey!!
Nikitahh :)