
Nice you could connect with your dad and share meditation experiences. Does he still meditate? It's such an interesting adventure to go on with so many possibilities available!
So glad you are finally done with the neighbor. No need for any guilt there--you should be patting yourself on the back for offering all that help in the first place!
Very cool about the dream of reducing and getting comfortable! Love it.
Wow, so nice your dreams are helping you see that you are on track! I love that feeling of elation when you are done with an obligation that felt too heavy. I hope you have a lovely light day!
Dad does still meditate, and enjoys it. He never normally talks about it though, so I'm glad I brought it up.

Thanks for the affirmations, guys.

Period almost 4 days early this time :flame: Nuisance.
They really are. And mine used to function like clockwork so I'm a bit spoiled.
I don't want to start packing - because evening inertia - so I think I'll brush my teeth, meditate, go to bed early, and set my alarm for tomorrow 15 minutes early so I can do it before work.
Are you there long, Llama?