

New member
I hear a lot of great things about kickboxing.You get a great cardio workout and even a great stress relieve. Also I think it might be a bit to much for me at the beginning.
Like to hear about other peoples experience
I'd have to agree - it sounds good, but it also sounds like a very tough workout. You probably have to do some supportive exercises to be able to kickbox. I'm hoping we will get some info on this subject.
i did kickboxing for about 5 years and it is an amazing workout. The trainer that we worked with also had classes of Chinese Gung Fu, which is a lot of flexibility training. If you do join a class, i would suggest not going to every class during the first couple weeks ... otherwise you will be so sore and not want to go. But, once you've done it for about 3-4 weeks, you shouldn't have any trouble.