Keto Cheez-It Chips Recipe

One thing low carb diets definitely deprive you of is the salty crunch from potato chips….until now! This is my version of no carb chips! They are so simple and quick to make! These chips resemble Cheez-Its due to their cheesy and salty taste and actually do have a crunch! All you need is some cheese, pam and garlic salt and you’re good to go!
These can also be used as croutons for an awesome crunchy, cheesy salad!

1/4 Cup Shredded Mexican Cheese
Garlic Salt


1. Spray Pam on a small plate

2. Spread the cheese onto the greased plate and sprinkle with garlic salt to taste

3. Microwave for 1 minute and let cool to harden

4. Break into bite size pieces and enjoy!