Just a current picture...Want to know if I can change it?

Okay, I'm pretty new to fitness, and I have 4 months until this even that would involve me being in a bikini. I'm not overweight, I weigh 120 lbs and I am 5'4". Well my family on the women side has always been a little pudgy, so I feel like it's genetics and that if I tried to get a leaner figure that I'd be wasting my time.

I'm just asking if you guys think that with 5 days of cardio a week, approx 40 minutes a session, and weighlifting 3x a week would do anything in this 4 month period. I'd like to lose some inches off the waist, thighs, and arms. I don't know if this goal is attainable, I don't want to set myself up for failure. Of course during all this I'd be eating well too. I plan to keep doing this well forever, not just for this 4 months because I want a healthier lifestyle. Thanks for your time.

<img src=http://img452.imageshack.us/img452/1637/body4en.jpg>
Your image link is not working... try it again and we can have a look.. :D
ok girl for sure lifting weight will tighten up up and help to burn fat so along with a clean diet and some cardio its very doable... post your weight lifting routine so we can help ya out with your lifts :D you got a great base to work on you'll be smokin in no time girl :D
Looks pretty good

Well you have a goal, you're gonna exercise and you plan on eating healthy. That's a darn good start. Be sure you weight train your WHOLE body, not just a couple of bodyparts. Be sure you get enough rest before training the same bodyparts. Of the 5 cardio days do a couple with interval training, just cut back on the time during the interval days (15-20 minutes or so). Be sure to drink lots of water. Make sure you are eating enough, 5-6 smaller healthy meals a day ( protein and carb at each meal) I believe if you do these things consistently, you can achieve your goals. Good luck. :)
Thanks so much you guys!:)
Here is my routine, I found it on stumptuous.com

routine 1

Squat or leg press 2 x 12-15
Lat pulldown 2 x 12-15
Standing overhead shoulder press 2 x 12-15
One-arm dumbbell row 2 x 12-15
Bench press 2 x 12-15
Calf raise 1 x 15
Ab crunches or Swissball crunches 2 x 12-15

Could I use dumbells for the bench press? Because I don't have a barbell.
ok let me put the weee ones to bed and I have a few suggestions to make unless someone else does them first :D

Well I'll let Jenn give you her thoughts mostly cause she is in pretty darn good shape and she is a woman unlike me. I'll just say this I personally think doing 12-15 reps is a bit high. I think you should be in the 6-8-10 range. JMO. Like i said Jenn is heading back to help you out, so I'll hand the ball to her. And yes you can do Bench press with dumbbells.
OK full body routine here we go go for 3 to 4 sets in the 6 to 10 rep range, make it a challenge for yourself.
2.deadlift- traditional and romanian deadlifts alternate one workout do one next do the other
3.bench press- incline alternate with flys
4.pullups- great for your abs too alternate with seated rows- no machine get some bands and loop them around something
5.concentraion curls
6.skull crushers
7.crunches and reverse crunches and suitcase lifts
8.planks- for as long as you can work up to 2 mins

that should get you going nicely I suggest adding weight to the ab stuff (except the planks) to make it a challenge. start with five or ten lbs and go from there. Good luck to you and if you have any questions don't hesitate to pm me ok :D
What are you so worried about!?
First of all, you will be turning heads with your current appearance already.
Doing your exercise/strenght routine in the coming months will definitely yield benefits, not only physically/visually but mentally and for your overall health. Your plan is just right, take the previous suggestions on specific workouts. Go for it, you'll be glad you did it, it will be worth it :)
i am new to this site. i weigh 140 and am only 5 foot tall. I only need to loose about 15 pounds but i cant keep focused and i have trouble finding anyone else to workout with. i am hoping that i can find someone to help me with keeping motivated
some_girl50 said:
Heres the link, I don't know why the picture didn't show up, sorry.
Well you forgot quotes around the url... And even if you didn't I don't think we can post html.

Use the vBulliten codes. ;)