Weight-Loss Jillian Michael's 60 days BODYHRED challenge



New member
I am gonna start this challenge today..its designed by the famous trainer Jillian Michael..it includes 30min workout (a bit different n gets tougher everyday) and a meal plan..Anyone wanna join? All you need is the workout videos,.se if you can find them online.or buy the whole package if possible..it will be great if i find a partner to discuss with on this forum..

fingers crossed..
I don't have the 60 day one, but I do have her 30 Day Shred. If you want I can do the 30 Day while you do the 60 and we can compare notes on that? This one claims 20 lbs lost in 30 days which is my full goal, not that I'm holding out hope for that but wouldn't that be awesome! Supposed to do a workout every day, which I will try. But if I do it 3 times a week I will be happy.
thats great..i can even try to get that one..and we can start it together..can repeat it once its proven effective..
So...totally didn't do a workout yesterday. Maybe today? Aiming for at least 2 sessions some time this week.

Did you try any from her 60 day workouts?
hey yeahhhh and it was soooo good...i was just drained off by the time i finished it..the toughest 30min workout i have ever done..hubby got me the new pink dumbbells as well,,lol.they looked very cute and light at first but felt like small pink monsters during the workout hahah..my husband also did the workout for the 1st 20 min but then the kids invaded the tv room and he had to take them back to the bedroom..so that i could comlete my workout..as you know, i am the one who needs it more,lol.
also got the body revolution plan..may be ill trey that one once i finish the 60day shred IA..
how about you??? hope you did it today :D do lemme know..
Nope. I'm terrible. Actually I just got busy with laundry and job searching and cooking that I didn't end up with time to do it. And as of Monday I start a new part time job which is physical (warehouse work) so...I may only do it twice a week on the weekends if my muscles aren't already dead from the week. But I will keep you advised!

I keep coming up with excuses, and even writing this I was typing up excuses. Nope. I refuse. So I have some things to do, like shopping for some items to make chili for dinner, and doing dishes and I think a bit more laundry. BUT! I will get on that now and should have time before hubby gets home to do a workout. Tomorrow I'm out in the morning but should be home by 2:30 ish so I will aim to do a workout then too. Just need to make sure I bring something to eat with me so I'm not starving when I get home...and because I've already told you I'll join you on this journey I need to stick to it.

Glad you liked the 60 Day so far! I'm nervous and scared that I'm in worse shape than I think and the workout will kill me, but I'm excited to be doing something again. I want to lose this weight!
heyyy wazuuppp..day 3 didnt go as well as planned..a big dinner at parents in law coming up on weekend,,the weather has changed completely,,i didnt have anything trendy to wear..so i went shopping..came back late,,cooked late..fed the kids late,last but not the least, they refused to be put to sleep by their dad..sooo..i lied down with them n lol, woke up around 4am all cramped up..haha..didnt even bother to transfer even one of them to their cot..all 4 of us slept in our bed :p so i took the exercise after sending my daughter to school this morning..it was easier..day 3 = cardio 1..no weights wr involved todat..so i guess im good at cardio but not very comfortable with resistance building exercises..
i need to ask one thing..i found the cool off stretches more difficult than the whole exercise haha..so is it okay if i skip some of them???the ppl in the video are so flexible..i fear ill tear my muscles following them ;P
will skipping half of the stretches matter ??i just do the easy ones..secondly, by the end i just wanna get it over with..dont feel like stretching for 2-3 min
p.s. wow u r at 133lbs..still wana lose more and willing to take on 30 day shred..hats off to u :D