It took a scale to start a journey.


New member
My experience is not of one who was once really heavy and decided to make a life-chaning decision. I've always been in the 70s kg arena. Until I quite my job. I had an entire year off. I really let myself go. Won't stop snacking 24/7. In 9 months, I jumped to 90k. I never cared or gave it a second thought. In fact, I only knew it was 90 when I was missing around with my old stuff. I found a scale and jumped on. Saw 90 and that was a jaw-drop.

Right now and then. I went on an extreme intermittent fasting regime. I would go a week with only water, coffee, and green peppers. No idea why peppers, it just makes me feel full. 2 months later, I dropped to 65k. The last time I was in 60s was probably back in 2009.

It is not healthy, I know. I think the loss was not only because of calorie deficit, but I was jobless and wouldn't stop thinking about what I would do next in life. Both mental and physical burn down killed off more than 20kgs.

I feel great though. I'm on a OMAD diet now. It's been a couple of months. I'm still in 60s kg only this time I get to eat Pizza :)
Well done :D