Is this a good HIIT program???

Hey guys, so im just lookin to cut my bf from about 12% to about 8%, so i decided HIIT would be a good option... heres what ive been doing for the past two weeks: i do HIIT every other day on the treadmill, i warm up for about 5 minutes, then i run at 10 mph(i would go faster but thats as fast as the treadmill goes)for 2 minutes, then i slow down to 3.5 mph, and walk for 2 minutes. I repeat this for about 20 minutes, then i cool down for anouther 5 minutes.. can anyone tell me if im doing anything wrong/if i should change anything?? Im a begginer at HIIT so any extra info would help, is 2 min/2 min a good ratio? should i change incline??(using 0 incline at the moment)
P.S. please dont tell me to "ease" into HIIT i know what i can handle, and i want/can to jump right into it :p

Another idea is to do this:

Set your machine to highest; then add incline 5-15%. Straddle bars, then get on... run for 30 seconds, jump back to straddle mode for 30 seconds. Then repeat 10 times.
Personally, I think anything more than 1 minute of running is not ideal; since you should be totally wasted after the 10th interval
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Set your machine to highest; then add incline 5-15%. Straddle bars, then get on... run for 30 seconds, jump back to straddle mode for 30 seconds. Then repeat 10 times.
Personally, I think anything more than 1 minute of running is not ideal; since you should be totally wasted after the 10th interval

Good advice.
ah nice man, so instead of 20 min of running id just be doing 10?(minus warmup/cooldown) sick.. im defininently trying this, thanks! ill post the progress(if any) this method gives in a few weeks! thanks again!
It is impossible to access your HIIT program without knowing what heart rate you achieve. For example, a Kenyan marathoner can literally go all day at 10mph (6 minute miles) without building up a sweat and without spiking his heart rate.

When I do HIIT, I hit 85 - 90% of my theoretical max heart rate (120- age) and hold it for 1 minute. Then, I back off for 3 minutes at a very low level until my heart rate drops to less than 70% of TMHR. I do 7 cycles in 30 minutes.
P.S. please dont tell me to "ease" into HIIT i know what i can handle, and i want/can to jump right into it :p

you dont have to 'ease' in to it. but the whole point to HIIT is that you can constantly improve and every workout pushes you harder.
If you start too high up the lader you wont give your body time to adjust and you wont be able to improve.

For the 1st couple of workouts give yourself some room to improve next time so that you can add some speed on each workout.