Intervals for weight loss?

A month ago, in an attempt to lose a few pounds around my hips and thighs, I started doing this interval workout about 4-5 days a week:

As someone who has never really had a consistent cardio regimen I expected to be engaged in some sort of miserable battle with myself to get up and do it before it became habitual. But to my great surprise I have actually really enjoyed the workouts not to mention the ritual. However, I haven't seen much in the way of results. I know, of course, not to expect any sort of miracle but have been sort of dejected every time I've stepped on the scale, wrapped the measuring tape or looked in the mirror only to see the same thing I saw a month ago. My legs may even look a bit bigger.

Am I doing something wrong? I don't know much about what sort of diet should accompany interval training when fat loss is the goal. Is there something specific I should be eating before and after my runs? I keep pretty clean as it is and track using the Weight Watchers Points Plus system but it's possible my macronutrients are off.

My main goal is fat-loss. Not much. Probably just 5 pounds (I'm 23, 5'4", 114lbs, small frame). I have a decent muscular foundation as it is (I was a gymnast as a child and weight train here and there) and have a tendency to build muscle very quickly underneath the fat and end up looking bigger altogether. That said, I'm not opposed to including more weights but want to make sure it's accompanied by the right variables so I slim down rather than bulk up.

Any tips?

Take 30-60 a few moments in between places (heavy body weight lifting) or other exercise . I do not crack in between aerobic tour. I like to keep my pulse amount as high as possible, so I may do 20 sets on the elliptical exerciser at max establishing and stroll directly to the device and get rid of it for another 20 moments at the max level of resistance.