Inner and Outer thighs Without Further Damage To Knees


New member
Hey everyone-
I was wondering if anyone knows of some exercises to help tone both inner and outer thighs without putting too much strain on knees. Both of my A.C.L.'s are damaged and it is painful to do lunges and squats. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
hmm, sounds like some rehab would be good. Have you seen a physio? I literally tore my ACL in my right knee in half and after a year of working on it pretty hard, i no longer need my brace and am now back into doing squats, etc. It's still pretty shaky at the heavier weights, but it's not too hard to muscle threw it. I know this doesn't really answer your question, but I can't think of any real effective exercises that would help.
There are always the exercises where your lying on a mat and doing leg lifts, but they are not very good for fast results, like doing weighted exercises.