Incorporating Yoga with my workouts and sports.

I don't necessarily do bodybuilding with freeweights, but I have a Total Gym that I use to keep my body toned and strong.

I also play tennis a few times a week for about 3-4 hours and sometimes more.

Last summer I started doing Power Yoga with Rodney Yee's dvd and tried to mix in some pilates with it.

Can someone recommend me a way to incorporate Yoga with my Total Gym workouts and tennis playing?

I want to keep Yoga in because I want to remain flexible and mentally focused. At the same time I want to continue to get stronger with my workouts, and active with tennis sicne i'm playing for my high school.


1) Is it better to do my power yoga after or before my workouts/tennis? Sometimes I'll do a portion of the power yoga dvd (it's a 45 minute session) and then skip to the relaxation phase to cool down.
I think in the end it just comes down to what you personally prefer. I like doing a weights session or a run and then yoga afterwards if it fits in. Sundays I do a spin class in the morning then yoga in the afternoon, for me it works better with the gap in the day.