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:) id first like to say hello to everyone, my name is joe and im not an alcholic

but i am about 15-20 pounds over weight. i first really got into fitness when i joined the army about 5 years ago, and i learned 1 thing about army fitness thats not really known. army fitness is more targeted at the lower body and cardio. im 23 yrs old now im 5'9 and i weigh about 183 pounds last time i checked with a 19.34 % body fat percentage, which isnt bad. but back to army fitness, hmm. where to start. my old company back at ft campbell ran about 4 times a week anywhere from 3 to 6 miles a day, to ruck marches a month. i was a saw gunner (and for those of you who dont know what that is its a gas operated, belt fed 5.56 mm sholder or prone fired Squad. Auto-matic. Weapon. and it weighs roughly 17 lbs 26lbs when loaded with a 200 round magazine). :) my old drill sarge would be proud. BUT when we did these marches we did combat realistic training which means i had to carry 1600 rounds (bullets) 60lbs. all the crap i fortunately never had to use 60lbs a spare barrell 8 lbs. two canteens of water 6 lbs ( WHICH WE WERENT ALLOWED TO DRINK!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ) never understood that. and the worst part.... An ANTI-TANK ROCKET which i would never fire one because i was a mechanic and two by the time i did my tours in iraq THERE WERE NO TANKS!!!!.......... ok 12 miles a march 2 times a month with roughly 120 lbs of junk (usually - a few things i purposly didnt carry without the knowledge of my superiors) at a max speed of 4 mph if im running... lol thats a workout people. top it with an average of running 15-20 miles a week, i have the lower body pro-athelete, infact my girlfriend is jealous if it. ok im dont ranting about myself. and if u read this much im sure your happy. now heres my problem. my upper body is like a peanut m&m im hard underneath but i also have a chocolate and candy coated shell, i have broad sholders skinny waist a belly and some little man boobies, so unfortunately for me all my weight is in my upper body.
AND!!!!!!!! i diet and exercise, and i gain muscle and dont lose weight,then i look fatter and then i just diet and and i shrink up and look like bones and then i wanna get more muscle back and it just seems that i work out to bulk up again so im back to where i started. but i like muscle and ill continue to work out, and keep what strength i have because i need it for my job, simply because i have to lift a ton of heavy stuff, but ive got to keep trying to lose the 15-20 pounds of fat my body keeps stored above my waistline. im hoping somewhere out there someone else has had the same problem ive got. i know its not my diet because my gf is a health nut and now im eating alot better. and its not genetics. im just doing something wrong, and im not about to try and pay 200 bucks on a diet book or plan hope it works. just looking for some insight, and maybe some tips.and once again if u took the time to read this i appreciate it.

Hi Joey. Wow, your training program sounds intense. I got tired just reading it. haha No seriously, running carrying that much weight, that must burn some serious calories. I never actually thought about what soldiers had to carry on them until you just mentioned that. That's crazy.

So it sounds like you are looking to lose 15-20 lbs? Do you keep track of your daily calories? I'm just curious to see where you are at right now. Perhaps you are not eating enough calories, or to many.
hello and welcome! I hope you come to love this forum as much as I have!!

Good luck and let me know if you have any questions :D