Ideas to workout for people who are completely ... flab


I need ideas for work out routines for somebody (me) who is completely destroyed physically after months and months in a bed.

Some information (I have been ill and I have some injuries):

- my shape is below zero, but I do have a lot of work out experience, so I know how to technically perform routines. I am a bit afraid of over-extending myself, though, as I was used ot quite hard work outs and need to hold back for a while.
- I have a shoulder infection (bursitis) that I don't want any more cortisol shots for, as I think I have to rather feel when it's painful and stop escaping the pain and getting the infection back, over and over again. I don't know if this is a good route, but I'm not liking how I just go without pain for 3 months and then it's back every time. I first got a shoulder infection some years ago, due to boxing, I think, but it might have been a bit different than the bursitis, that I fear is PC-use induced.
- I struggle with tendonitis a lot, mostly because of running too much last summer, but I keep it in check by stretching.
- I've gained a lot of fat, I'm maybe even overweight. (BMI 24.5 - untrained.. ) So I'm heavier and less agile than I am used to, and it worries me a lot when it comes to work out. I probably should regain strength before I do too heavy work-outs.
- I easily get bored if there isn't some fun or action in work outs. I used to love weight training and boxing but also liked dancing and interval running wasn't too bad.

Obviously boxing is out of the question :bncry:, but I thought to do some easy weight training to get into the habit again, and maybe some pilates/yoga to get more flexible again, though I find it boring, unfortunately. I'll also be walking more, to slowly prepare for other things. I'll reduce weight by eating less, to reduce strain on my body. Any other suggestions or advices? I'm running low on ideas. :D

As you have been away from work out for a long time. You shouldn't just start again from where you left. During the time when you did not work out, your muscles have expanded and lost their stiffness/strength. Therefore, you should start with light running, yoga and then increase with time.

Good Luck!
