I think this is the most encouraging, inspiring exercise video I've ever seen

Above, we have a man with a serious physical disability. I don't know the full details of his disability, but it's clearly not something you'd be quick to volunteer for. He has every excuse not to exercise. If you look to bodybuilders and fitness models as a standard to aspire towards, you'll find his body unimpressive. In fact, if you look to anyone who can move on two feet as a standard to aspire towards, he is physically far from impressive.

Does he call for sympathy in this video? No. Does he complain about how hard it is? No. Does he draw our focus onto how extraordinarily hard and difficult it must be for someone like him to exercise? Nope.

Instead, despite have every excuse available not to exercise, he exhibits pure joy (and a self-defecating sense of humour) at the chance to do what those of us looking for excuses take for granted. And he tries to share that joy with the world, 1) by making this video, period, and 2) by calling out encouragement to everyone watching and exercising with him. In a world where exercise is generally considered a chore reserved for those with extreme discipline and brutal ambition, for me he rips to shreds all the machismo and brings exercise back to the best thing it can possibly be (IMO) -- a joyful expression of love for yourself.