I need to ask

Go for the Gold

If you loose weight to fast and without the right amount of exercise, yes you will need surgery. There is no point if your not doing it for you and you don't want to loose weight. If your over weight no matter the reason you need to loose weight otherwise be prepared for health issues later in life. If the guy really likes you then he will like you no matter what you look like but of course it does help to look your best and as people we always strive to impress those that we have a crush on or like or whatever. I kinda know where your coming from. I'm 5'10" and 145lbs. My husband alerted me that I am not the same size as when we met three years ago so I am trying to loose that 5lbs and and extra 5. I want it for me to make myself feel better and more attractive. Do it for yourself.
I guess Im just reading up on things and getting so many mixed messages.

One diet plan says no carbs,
next you need to kill yourself with excercise,
then another site tells you to eat all protein or excercise just 30 minutes a day at a slow pace.
I dont know what imformation to take in.

then I get the stories of how long it took everyone and I get depressed,
I mean it was my fault in the begining for making myself the way I am/was..
but as a young girl I'm just focusing and dreaming of that "amazing" body.
Its just sad to know that with the way the skin will be looking, that I wont accomplish that.

I hear you loud and clear. It is very frustrating to hear so many different diets, excercises, gadgets, etc. But, how many times have you heard someone who lost a lot of weight and is very fit and healthy say loud and clear that there is no easy way?!? The right way is to do it the healthy way and the healthy way takes time and hard work and eating right. Eating 800 calories a day is not eating right. Sure there are different ways to eat right but it is mostly about balance and making sure you keep your body fueled with the nutrition you need based on what your activity level is. With as much as you are working out, you need more calories.

I fought depression from age 15 to age 30!!! Yep, 15 freaking years! I could write a book on all the different types of treatment and medicine I tried. Last May when I couldn't convince my Psychiatrist to wean me off my medicine I did it myself, started eating very healthy and started a regular excercise routine. I've been 8 months now without medicine and have never been happier.

My advice to you is to really start thinking long term. You are so young. You have so many young years ahead of you and if you get extremely depressed it could put you in a funk that could last for a very long time. Don't let that happen. Please, take ACTION. Go see a dietician. IGNORE negative people, even your mom. You don't have to stop loving her but you can know in your own mind that she is wrong to say things like that to her own daughter. She might be right about you needing to lose weight when you were 300lbs but there are more encouraging ways to say so. Stop thinking your life is ruined if you don't look like a supermodel before you graduate from high school. You just might be able to someday but you are in too much of a rush right now. Remember, the healthy way takes time. Get yourself together, regroup and get back at it with a healthier approach. In this game sprinters lose everytime. It's a marathon, not a sprint. But it's a fun marathon.
Sorry but I have to disagree about some of what you have said. It's not always about appearances, more about health. Healthy and fit people just often are of a smaller or more toned build.

Choosing to do something about your health, which yes may drastically reduce your size, is a great way to show someone how committed you are in all sorts of areas in your life.

Whether you are in a relationship or not, caring about your body is an attractive thing. Better than putting on make up, wearing a short skirt or anything else.

It is a fantastic goal to have and to include with an already wonderful personality. At least if you are looking for a life partner, or any partner, you will be able to enjoy life fitter, healthier, and for a lot longer with them.

Just try and look at it from that perspective.

Bullshit. Why would you want to be with someone who didn't want anything to do with you 165 pounds ago, but now that you're skinny, what, they want a piece? What's the point of being in a relationship that superficial?
So the best advice I have is this...

when I was 15 and in highschool I lost 60 lbs. For a guy..... I literally would say his name over and over in my head while running my ace on the treadmill. I never ended up dating him at 200 or 140. Also I wasn't happy with my weight at 200 or 140. I still felt huge all the time and it effected every part of my life. I stopped eating.Then I would purge if I had to eat or take laxitives. I still have issues with getting food stuck in my throat from sticking a toothbrush down my throat to purge. I continued to workout and I stopped losing weight. I fell into a depression and ended up gaining back my weight and hating myself for letting it happen. I had to fix my insides 1st. Now I am working out my outside. From the inside out. I feel good about my outside at 194 and I will be good about my outside at 130. You need to find a support person. I used to hang out with people that had body issues to make myself feel better. I had a friend who would "go the the bathroom" after lunch everyday. She had lost a ton of weight in a few short months. She was very sick mentally. I tended to hang out with bingers. They had issues and we would feed off each other. What I mean is we all knew we had eating disorders we just never said anything about it. We would brush it all because we all were messed up.I needed friend who supported my healthy weightloss goals and its hard in highschool. Highschool was the worst and best time of my life. All my friends miss it. Enjoy your highschool years and I think seeing a counseler might be a good idea....Body issues start small but can really make someone downward spiral.

Good Luck hun. Its a hard road. I know I felt like nobody really understood what I was going through. I hope you realize that so many people struggle and that your not alone....
Wow, there's sooo much to respond to in this thread I don't know where to begin. I suppose I'll divide my comments into sections to better tackle this beast!

First of all congratulations on the loss, although I highly disagree with the way you went about it. Just the motivation to get that ass to the gym 7 days a week and caring about your weight is something that deserves a pat on the back for sure. -pats-

That said I know where you're coming from. I'm nineteen, so just about your age and I can relate when you say that not many teens care about their weight. I've always been mature for my age, but college is god awful in that respect. People. do. not. care. They drink & don't go to the gym but never pay the price. I try to get my friends involved but they aren't as dedicated as I am, so steady support is close to none.

Yet, let me just say that it doesn't matter. I cut myself apart from everyone else when I work out. It's about me, and what I need to do for myself, not about others lack of initiative, or needing someone to motivate me. I could get upset about how much more I struggle, or I could suck it up. This brings me to my next comment, which just reflects those already made.

Doing this for a guy is a BAD idea. I do not agree with shae on her comment. If you want to work out with someone who is ALREADY your partner as a relationship building tool and support each other fine, but it should NOT be the foundation on whether or not you're together.

I was in a four year relationship/engagement and I was never encouraged to loose the weight like I should have been. It was a complete and utter mess. I ballooned up to an even greater weight the whole time I was with him. Guys aren't always going to be around. They fade in and out of your life, and that will have a profound effect on how you view yourself if you let it.

Say... what happens if you get said guy? Do you just loose your will power, do you become dependent on him for happiness? Trust me, it will only end in a train wreck... Or say that doesn't happen and he rejects you because he's a mindless idiot like half of the male population... You'll be even more depressed than before, and you'll feel so worthless just because he's an idiot. Working out and getting healthier should be a tool for empowerment, not something that may ultimately drag you down and make you feel like you're not good enough. It needs to be for you, not just living up to someone's standards of perfection. Okay sorry I ranted a bit there, but I really hope you see my point. Each person has so much to offer this world and you're really selling yourself short.

If you need anyone your age for encouragement I'm around the forum so don't hesitate to ask or message.

Now back to your weight-loss technique. Your calories are way way way too low, especially if you're working out for an hour 7 days a week. You probably aren't even getting enough to function. (Which might be why you feel more depressed. Exhaustion can do that to a person you know...) I'm a lot like you. I have to FORCE myself to eat most of the time, and often stuff I hate eating. Honestly, it's sooo much easier for me to just not eat. But starving yourself doesn't do you any good. I actually lost more when I ate because my body didn't go into 'zomg store the fat! we're going to die' mode.

The key is eating the RIGHT things. You need to have that protein to fuel those muscles and keep burning that fat, or you're just going to stall and get nowhere. If you're really having trouble get your protein in shakes like you mentioned in your diet but make sure you actually drink them regularly. It's not an OR situation, you need that protein, especially if you are working out so much. Otherwise you're going to loose any muscle you currently have and when you loose the weight you're not going to have to worry just about loose skin but also stringy limbs with no definition and muscle tone... which isn't all that fabulous either.

Basically to sum it up, I have to agree with Steve. You need to get your metabolism back on track because from what you've been saying it seems like you're running yourself into the ground. Maybe not cut it all out, because I can't prescribe something I wouldn't do myself... I love working out, however cut back incredibly if you can. I also think a trainer, nutritionist, and psychologist would be an amazing help. (Yes, I know money doesn't grow on trees)

Like you said, there's a lot of info out there and it's hard to know what to do. Talking with a trainer was a great tool for me because they can set you up with a meal plan and work out schedule that won't have you killing yourself. And then the psychologist is just because talking to someone might be really great for you right now. It should be able to help you find the value in yourself so that you don't need to feel like you have to change for anyone else.

I wish you the best of luck, and I hope my two cents helped in some way.
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Wow ladies great posts...

I really don't know what to say to help the young lady...but I hope things are going better for her.

These last several posts were very good and sincere...

I've only been here a short time...but in that time I've realized that my unhappiness with my weight was REALLY minor compared to what some of what you others have been and are dealing with..

Puts things in perspective for me...and makes me realize that I've been a bit foolish...
Wow ladies great posts...

I really don't know what to say to help the young lady...but I hope things are going better for her.

These last several posts were very good and sincere...

I've only been here a short time...but in that time I've realized that my unhappiness with my weight was REALLY minor compared to what some of what you others have been and are dealing with..

Puts things in perspective for me...and makes me realize that I've been a bit foolish...

Everyones story is different, but we all want the same thing. Which is happiness. As for me I wanted to be thin by any means. Whatever I needed to do I would do it. It was my low self worth and control issues that made me go down hill. Well thats my guess. I didnt go to a shrink. I went to a pastor, which helped me. When you feel like the fat kid your whole life and nobody understands its really a hard road. Really hard road. You feel lonely and abandoned. Which might be the reason I listen to emo music. haha. You don't have to feel foolish. What I keep in mind is that certain things effect people differently. Also there is always someone who has had it worse than me. I myself have put things into perspective. I used to see girls in the gym that were tiny spending a hour on the elipticals. I would think to myself "why do they have to even burn off, you have to eat 1st to burn off anything"" she isnt even sweating" "god how much shorter can her shorts be" For all I know these girls could of been fat kids. I don't know others storys so I shouldn't even judge them. This forum helps me realize so many things about myself and others.
thank you

i dont think I should of started the weight loss journey.
Im just going to end up stuck now, sick.

I cant stop what Im doing.
Your telling me that If I ate atleast 1,200 calories a day and worked out for an hour, and leaving a free day of no excercise..that I couldnt be fine?

I just read your thread and 1st off CONGRATS on the huge weight loss! :hurray:

Next, I know exactly how you feel. I have lost 120lbs and am working on the last 50lbs. I keep uping my days to workout from 4 to 5 to 6, and I have my days where I feel like ugh it's just not happening as fast as I wanted it too. I have to counsciously stop and say you know what, look at how far you have come! We are going to hit plateus and YES it sucks and is hard to stay motivated when you hit them. The less we have to lose the harder it gets girly. Don't give up, you have come too far, but like the others say, we've got to do it the healthy way! Additionally, if we don't do it the healthy way, keeping the weight off, won't happen. One night when I was really just down about it, my boyfriend told me to put on a pair of pants from when I was heaviest... Soooo I RELUCTENTLY did... and then I about peed my pants laughing at myself swiming in them! :hurray: Either way, keepp on truckin, you're doing great!
congrats on your weight loss!!!
as far as your diet, I know everyone else is saying this too...but you really have to take in more than 800 cals/ a day. I lost my first 30lbs by starving myself..not really b/c I wanted to but b/c I was stressed & going through a divorce & didn't care enough to take care of myself. I too didn't get how eating was going to help me lose weight. I've learned that no I'm not going to lose weight eating fast food every meal, but I can eat & be full & still lose weight by eating the right things. I read the book "you on a diet" it's good at explaining why yo-yo dieting & starving only hurt you in the long run. Not only will eating the right amount of calories get your metabolism up, but eating the right foods can give you the energy to work out more which can help you lose weight. It is hard when you stop losing weight at such a rapid pace & plateau, but you have lost a ton already! you are getting there, and if you do it healthy you can keep it off!
Do it for yourself too! It will be more rewarding! Best of Luck to you!
:seeya:Hi honey
I am sorry to see that you have been having such a hard time. You have been given some great advice in response to your query; now it is up to you what you are going to do with it.

I would encourage you to:
1) Go to your doc and have her refer you to a counselor, pronto.
2) Start increasing your caloric content. I suspect this has a great deal to do with your depression!

This is not by any means impossible. You can get to a healthy weight in a healthy manner!

I wish you all the best as you continue your journey. :grouphug:
Hey hun! I know everyone has been giving you all kinds of advice but I also wanted to add in my 2 cents regarding losing weight for that guy. I know how you're feeling! I hadn't admitted this to anyone - not even myself but I think the real reason I started working out was for a guy I had gone out with. I wanted to lose weight even before this but when I went out with him, I knew he was just too amazingly hot and I HAD to lose this weight. Because of him, I've lost this weight. But now, I'm doing it for me. I'm over this guy - and I've been working hard because I WANT TO LOVE MYSELF and feel confident in my own skin.

No guy is worth all this hard work. If he couldn't appreciate how great of a person you are when you were thick, what makes you think he deserves you now that you're smaller? I just don't think it's worth it. PLUS, OMG, DO YOU KNOW HOW MANY HOT GUYS WILL BE ALL OVER YOU? I think you're SOO GORGEOUS! You're not even going to want that guy anymore. Out with the old - IN WITH THE NEW!

GOOD LUCK with everything. And liek everyon else said, definitely try and see a doctor regarding your depression and nutrition.

answer to your question

Hi! I've been through the same. I am now 23 years old, and only 170 pounds. Let me tell you one fact: people who are depressed or have low self esteem are those who are less likely to lose weight.


Because depression produces a hormone in your body that makes your body slow down its metabolism because your body thinks it is being "threatened". You get what I mean? I completely understand what you are going through.

If you are ready, I can share you my secret in losing 15 pounds in a month. send me an email jessicathurman75@yahoo .com

Good luck!

I eat under 800 calories a day and work out for an hour a day, go to work and come home to bed.. school the next day. Im 17 years old and I currently went from 365- 200lbs. Im stressed and depressed all the time due too trying so hard to get those last 40-50lbs off. Im 6ft tall and Im kinda doing it for a guy.

I have a question;
Anyone else deal with this?
those who hit there goal, how long did it take you towards the end,
and were you completely satisfied.
I caught myself crying the other night, thinking that even when i get this weight off, whats the point? Ill need surgery to even look close to beautiful.
I ruined my chances.
:[ i need advice, help
If you are ready, I can share you my secret in losing 15 pounds in a month. send me an email jessicathurman75@yahoo .com

I liked everything else you said but this sentence makes me a little suspicious of you. Sorry if you are just trying to help but I get real protective of people who might be vulnerable to a con. She doesn't need to be losing 15 lbs in a month right now. She needs to get mentally healthy and start eating healthy. When she is feeling better she can get back into a healthy workout regimen.
I liked everything else you said but this sentence makes me a little suspicious of you. Sorry if you are just trying to help but I get real protective of people who might be vulnerable to a con. She doesn't need to be losing 15 lbs in a month right now. She needs to get mentally healthy and start eating healthy. When she is feeling better she can get back into a healthy workout regimen.

Well, I didn't mean to offend anyone. That is why i said "if she is ready". Furthermore, I wanted to help her lose 15 pounds a month in a healthy and guided way. I've read your earlier post and I see where you are coming from, and I respect that. But just because you saw something that made you think I'm a con, you can to accuse me of that. I think you are way out of the line.

I responded in the way I saw fit. I can't respond in such a way that would please everyone. This is how I understand her because I am still very young and we only have a very slim age difference. I think what you said (read quote) is VERY inappropriate.
I just want to thank everyone, if you read this. I'm now 24 years of age and shortly after starting this thread I found myself in the hospital for anorexia getting down to nearly 120lbs at 6ft tall. I appreciate the support, especially with me being at such a young age. But more importantly, I appreciate everyone who took the time out of their day to help a teenager with something so emotional and life changing. I am healthy now, if anyone cares and happens to stumble upon this thread again. Thank you all ever so much, I was was in a very dark place and I needed the guidance. <3