I need some advice for weight loss, I have a very important event that is taking


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place in June 2007. and I need to lose over 40 pounds is it possible what type of routine can you offer me? your help is greatly appreciated:)
This is really under the wrong place here in Diaries thread.
Ill move it to 'The Harsh Truth' where the trainers can give you some advice :)
It's not impossible but it's not a very realistic goal for the time frame if you aren't use to exercise or proper eating.

To get the maximum impact for weight loss from cardio, I'd suggest an IT or HIIT workout three times a week along with weight training two times a week. Of course you should also stay as active as possible, taking the stairs when you can, parking your car on the far end of the parking lot, etc.

If you want to lose 2 pounds a week, the doctor recommended maximum, then you need to get rid of 7000 calories a week. Most people suggest the easiest way to do this is to reduce your maintenance caloric intake (the amount of food you eat to maintain your weight) by 500 calories and to burn 500 calories through exercise or daily activity for a total of 1000 a day, 7000 in a week. If you're actively gaining weight you need to reduce your caloric intake further.

I'll be honest with you and tell you that I predict that if you do lose the weight, you'll gain it back afterwards. Weight loss is about raising your health, eating well, and just taking care of your body. If your goal includes the end being "I just want to look good for this event" you're setting yourself up for long-term failure.
40+ lbs in just over 3 months is going to be rough = starting today will get you closer to where you want to be - and you might find that 40 wasn't a good number you might like where you do end up.
More information is needed in order to help you help yourself.

Height, weight, current physical activity level. There isn't a one size fits all guide lying around that can be prescribed to everyone at any given moment. Many factors should be included.

To lose weight you need a caloric deficit, but how many calories should you be consuming to maintain? and then to lose?

Kissmyhuman has given some good generalized advice, but for more specific, get some info to the pros here and they may be able to help.

Good luck!
Kissmyhuman has given some good generalized advice, but for more specific, get some info to the pros here and they may be able to help.

Yeah, thats really the best I or anyone else can do without knowing starting weight, height, current exercise routine or activity level(if any), an accurate list of an average day of food eaten, and thats for starters. I probably should have popped that up there.
Yeah, thats really the best I or anyone else can do without knowing starting weight, height, current exercise routine or activity level(if any), an accurate list of an average day of food eaten, and thats for starters. I probably should have popped that up there.

I hope you didn't think I was insulting you, because I wasn't. I was saying you gave good advice based on what you had to work with. :)
Just wanted to chime in here & say that you shouldn't be discouraged with such a high goal. You should make the changes needed to get yourself on the right track & begin losing if that is what you really want for yourself. You might not make it to losing 40 lb by that exact date, but if you are already on the right road, next time you won't have any need to panic & want to lose a lot all at once. Besides I bet you will surprise yourself with how great it feels even to lose a little bit.

I completely understand your desire to drop quick. My sister is getting married in October & I don't even want to think about myself in a bridesmaid dress at the size I am & that I will have to see those pictures for the rest of my life! I'm hoping to lose at least 50 lbs... already lost 12 lbs.

Good luck in making the right changes for you. This is a great place for support & to keep you from losing your focus... a healthier you. :)