I need chubbier cheeks!

I'm male 5'10 1/2 and 130 pounds... I work out but not intensly and have some muscle (just to not look like a little kid body). I'm pretty skinny which doesn't really bother me but my face is very angular and you can see my cheekbones. I loved how my face looked when i got my wisdom teeth out and had a much rounder, fuller face (from that area being swolen). I need cheeks to be attractive! (please don't plug in some "you're attractive no matter what you look like" feel good crap... i'm doing this for me not to satisfy anyone else)

Someone said just gain 10 pounds... My goal is 140-145, and it's not an easy thing to do for the ectomorphs... Any suggestions that don't include counting calories and finding out how much of carbs, proteins, etc. i have to eat a week and keeping track by a calendar? (yeah i read that weight gaining 101 by massive member or what it was called)

Thanks! :p

Oh and I eat like a minimalist and don't get much protein, so i'm going to increase the amount i eat and get as much protein as possible (more meats and eggs and nuts) but other than that if there's anything else i can do do tell
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creatine made my face bigger.. but then you gotta look into creatine & if its right for you..
jor86 said:
Any suggestions that don't include counting calories and finding out how much of carbs, proteins, etc. i have to eat a week and keeping track by a calendar?

I stopped reading there.

You wanna gain weight unhealthily, eat junk food. Lots of it.
is it unhealthy to not go through the painstaking process of recording the nutritional information of everything you eat and making a calendar and list out of it? I read the labels, and i have a general idea of what i've put in my body each day, I have an idea of what i need to eat more of (if you continued reading...). And even if I didn't care about my health, junk food doesn't make me gain weight. Ask any skinny kid.
Eating right isn't going to do what you want it to either. If you can't gain any fat, your cheeks are going to stay the same. Theres very little muscle in the actual face. In order to gain healthy weight, you have to manage your macronutrients and calories. You don't have to be fanatical about it, but you should at least know how much grams of protein, carbs, and fat along with proper exercise. I've lost 31 lbs since Ive started this, I'm willing to do anything I can to get the results I want.

Gaining healthy weight involves a caloric intake increase, upping the amount of protein you get daily..

PS. my bad man, I didn't mean to sound like an ass, Its just been a rough day, I apologize.
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my metabolism seems to burn off everything i put in it... even if i eat a lot more. I'm trying to think back to times i have gained weight, and there have been times where i eat like a maniac and still don't gain anything. I'm pretty confident that if i just gain 10 pounds (and not by bulking up on muscle) i'll do it, but i think you're right about the protein because I can eat gallons of icecream and have 0 effect at all. Does red meat specifically help? Or any other foods in particular... i eat a lot of eggs now because it's a really easy food with protein but i don't have much access to say steak whenever i want. I also eat more oats and nuts, and yogurt (not the no fat kind). I'll see how the more protein diet goes (i'm already on the eat 3x more diet). I'm just wondering if meats can help a lot because they are the one food group i have trouble eating at any time.

OH! And does a daily vitamin suppliment help? My dad said it would help me gain weight, i haven't really been too consistant in taking them but i think now i will make sure i get one a day. And excersice is one day on 2 days off and not too strenuous.
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I think you may have already answered your own question. Your metabolism isn't going to help you gain weight easily, and whatever you gain by eating a bunch will eventually go away when you eat normally (theoretically anyway). Do a google search on protein and strength training. You have no window of error on protein intake. Since your metabolism is so high, every bit of protein you ingest has to go towards rebuilding your muscle. Proper timing on protein is way more crucial to you than it is to people like me, whos metabolism naturally is on the slower side.

WHen I refer to timing on protein, its not an all day thing, just post workout. Proper strength training and protein intake, and you can gain weight, it will be difficult though. Maybe Abear can give you some pointers, hes an ectomorph also. He may be able to give you some bulking tips.
It may be easier for you to put on muscle to get more form than simply to put on fat. The best way to increase muscle hypertrophy (growth) rather than mere muscle strength is to lift a LOT of LIGHT reps with very little rest. So if your maximum 12 rep set is 75 lbs, do 100 quick reps of 30 lbs. This will increase your muscle size, but won't do too much for your strength.

The idea behind doing this to refill your cheeks is that with your metabolism, you sound like you're going to burn off any fat before your body can store it. If you're currently not doing any lifting, your body isn't going to utilize the extra protein you're putting in it. The reason we induce muscle failure during heavy lifting is to signal to the body that we need to rebuild the muscles -- and it's then that your body will increase it's utilization of proteins.

If you're doing a lot of cardio, you're just further increasing your metabolism. If you are doing cardio, be sure to limit it to intervals -- otherwise you'll be burning muscle.

The only thing is that you might not see an increase in your facial tone. Hopefully increasing your body's need for energy stores will stimulate the necessity for it to store fats and thus you can round out that face a little bit. You want to be careful not to work so hard at gaining weight that you induce a chemical imbalance and go from a genetically skinny guy to a guy who can't keep control of his weight (something that happens to lots of skinny kids who turn into fat kids during puberty as a result of hormonal changes).

please don't plug in some "you're attractive no matter what you look like" feel good crap... i'm doing this for me not to satisfy anyone else

Also, if you want to do something, approach it positively, not negatively. In regards to this comment, I wanna mention that "you're attractive no matter what you look like" is a way of telling you to be satisfied with yourself.

So when you say "i'm doing this for me" you're either saying:
(a) I'm dissatisfied with myself, or
(b) I'm doing this for someone else

-- decide which it is. In either case, the best solution is always to to be comfortable with yourself, no matter what you're like, but always strive for improvement. Otherwise, you may have a tendency to be perennially unhappy.