I need a new belt

Well, not quite yet. But soon. Earlier this week, my shorts just about fell off of my a$$ so I had to tighten my belt. After I had done that, I noticed that I was now on the smallest setting for this belt! I haven't been on that setting EVER with this belt, and I have had it for a couple of years now. Might be time to go get a new one because my waist is not done shrinking yet!
Congrats!!! Doesn't that feel SOOOOO good when you realize what you are doing is working!! Makes all that sweating and discipline well worth it!

I have been working out all semester and getting a lot of gains, and I am noticing results as far as muscle goes....I changed my diet a little bit too (see sports nutrtion post) thanks to Kalrog....but MY waist is getting BIGGER and BIGGER! AHH!
I'm sure thanksgiving helped, but since my last post a month ago, I have gained 8lbs and all my pants are tight! I honestly feel like I couldn't be eating any better than I am and I am doing weights 3 times a week as well as playing volleyball 3-5 times a week but I seem to be getting fatter and fatter...please help!