I hate my cheeks!

It's obvious that everyone wants something that they don't have ;p But, sadly, I fit into that category - I hate my cheeks. They're not exactly "chubby," i.e. if I look in the mirror I can see the slightest little indent where my cheek goes in a bit under the jaw bone, but still I want them to be more angular. I'm half asian (just from being in China for a bit, I know that chinese men naturally have chubbier cheeks), and half polish. My metabolism is EXTRA EXTRA fast, and I can down any amount of any type of food and not gain any weight. However, I eat incredibly healthily (balanced meal) and I havn't been to a fast food restaurant in over four years (just because I can't stand fast food... I know, I'm weird).

I know I could be a tiny bit more physically active, but I run track and I work abs and pectoral every other night. I'm 6'1" 150 lbs. Some basic facts that may help : I tend to not drink enough water, I have more of an asian face than a european face (thin black hair, little facial hair), and I'll be turning 17 in July.

One question that I have in regards to chubby cheeks - how much could my face change since I'm yet to turn 17? Is there still a chance that I have some baby fat and it could go away? I've always been told my face is long and somewhat angular - is there ANY hope of getting a more chiseled face / less in the cheek area by doing anything? PLEASE help!!!! :)
I really have no idea - but take a look at your parents and siblings. I think genetics will give you the best answer.
This is totally off-the-cuff... But, you could try additional mastication (chewing) exercises...

The chief muscles of mastication are: masseter, pterygoideus externus, temporalis and pterygoideus internus.

Each of these muscles help to determine (in a very small part) what your cheeks and jawline look like.

That said, a good way to work these out is with bubble gum. The problem is, that it has the negative effect of adding sugar to your diet. Normal chewing gum is usually to weak to give you a good workout. But, you could try chewing on a mouth piece intensly every other day for 15 minutes or so.

Before doing any chewing exercise, I would consult a dentist to make sure you aren't going to alter some other area (i.e. teeth).

Beside that, the biggest piece of advice I can offer is this: you have a beautiful mixture of genetics with that mutt combination. You might want to consider the fact that you are unique! And, many women will be attracted to your "difference" and the fact that you have things that some of us don't. Remember that we all want things we don't have... For instance, I have skinny high cheek bones and wish for chubbier ones! Wanna trade?

Gambatte kudasai (keep your chin up)!

Spend time worrying about the things you can affect bro.

hey corked, im half asian/europeantoo and i think there is much hope for you.

in answer, your face can change alot and id say its actually quite likely it is just baby fat. read on...
when i was around your age, my cheeks changed quite dramatically - from being rounded and slightly chubby to being very chiseled and defined as they are now - and i ate alot of rubbishy junk food back then! i didnt do anything really - puberty doesnt end until your in your in your twenties you know so theres no reason the same shouldnt happen to you. my advice is continue eating healthily, do regular exercise such as running and think positively...then just wait a while

any help??
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