I Don't Want To Lose Weight!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I like working out at the gym,but after a few weeks i always stop because it seems as if i start losing weight. I DON"T WANT TO LOSE WEIGHT!!!!!!!!!! All i want to do is build the muscles in my legs(calves) so my legs can look bigger.Tone up my stomach and my thighs.But when i start working out seems like i start losing weight.How can i tone my stomach and waist,and build my legs so my calves can look bigger and my hamstrings looks tone and NOT LOSE ANY WEIGHT. Thanks
if you're losing weight, that means you're burning more calories than you're consuming. sounds like you need to eat more.
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you'll have to see what you respond best to. myself, when i trying to build muscle, i eat a 30/40/30 diet which is 30% protein, 40% carbs and 30% fats.

when i'm trying to lose bodyfat, i do a 40/30/30 diet which is 40% protein, 30% carbs and 30% fats.
Your using a very loose term in "Weight". Have you had your body fat checked? Don't forget, when you get on a scale it's giving you the weight of your muscle, bone, fat, skin, blood and a ton of water considering water makes up the majority of all of those. Just a thought if your still fighting the ups and downs.