Weight-Loss How to handle sugar cravings?


Matt C.

New member
I have a huge sweet tooth. I love anything with sugar. What I want to know is what are some healthy substites to handle my sweet tooth?I know there's fruit but it's not the same except for maybe pineapple.

Is there something I can eat once a day to handle my sugar cravings?

Thank you.
I usually drink more water when i crave sugar, try and keep my mind of it by doing things, i also find that chewing gum can help aswell.
Yeah, I don't usually fair well with sugar but do feel that the more tired I am, the more sweets I eat. I keep saying I'm quitting it, but find myself not being able to stop
What about reducing the amount that you have when you have it? Try not to tell yourself that it's "bad" or that you can never have it. Give yourself some leeway and set some ground rules. For example, "I can have a small amount of _____ every day." And set your limit on how much before you start craving it.
Hi Matt,
I am a sugar addict too, and I needed to lose weight, not an easy goal! I found great substitutes with low carbs bars, biscuits on Link Removed. They even have sweets. My favorites are the choco break bar (I love Kit kat and it reminds me kit kat!) and the double chocolate crisp bar! their wafers are just so good. I usually have a bar or a cookie in my handbag for my afternoon break, it allows me to satisfy my sugar craving with no risk to crack on fatty and sugary snacks. Hope it will help you.
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i'd like to offer ways to combat your affliction, but sadly i do not believe there is one. i do use an artificial sweetener, but very little (< 1/4 of the amt that i see used in tests that see if artificial sweeteners trigger an insulin reaction) and only in coffee and iced tea. if i were to use the amount needed to make a batch of cookies, i believe it would be both antiproductive and dangerous. sugar gives your blood sugar level an immediate boost, your body generates a huge amount of insulin in an effort to lower your blood sugar and then your body is left with an even greater need for another sugar boost do deal with the insulin level. you are trapping yourself chasing your tail and the only outcome is that your high blood sugar level gets turned into fat stores. it's a lose, lose (figuratively) situation.

the suggestion that you "only eat a little once in a while" i know for a fact does not work with me. the very few times i have had a "little sweet treat", the hunger pang i got in 2-3 hours was huge. fortunately i got through it, but it's now something i know i won't enjoy and almost always pass on the urge.

i do make up snacks, but they average <200 calories and at most contain maybe 10 gms of sugar, but typically are more in the 5-6 gm range. i also make sure i have these within my daily eating window and usually toward the end of that time (i intermittent fast daily).

just because sugar is legal and heroin is not, does not mean it is not as addictive or dangerous to your health. the sugar industry just has better lobbyists.
Have lots and lots of water. Make a list of fruits you love and have them when you are craving. Eat a bit of what you’re craving, maybe a small piece of cookie or candy bar. Enjoying a little of what you love can help you steer clear of feeling denied. Do not wait too long between meals. It may set you up to choose sugary, fatty foods that cut your hunger. Instead, eat in every three to five hours, it will help you to keep your blood sugar stable and avoid irrational eating behavior.
I've been completely off sugar for 10 months. I am fanatic about it and won't even eat a sauce or condiment with sugar in the ingredients.

The reasons you have cravings is because you are still consuming enough to feed the addiction. Really sweet to the palate foods ,even fruit can keep the addiction alive.

If you will completely quit sugar for 1 month it will greatly help you resist. I would say that by 3 months you will understand how addicted you were and no longer want the poison.

I've lost 130 lbs and 25 years. 100 of it and all the years are because I quit sugar.
I agree with the above posts it’s hard to just eat a little sugar because it does make you crave it much worse after you e had a little..I would recommend dark chocolate because it has very little sugar if you get the real stuff but every time I get a bar and intend on eating a lil piece I eat the whole bar ..there are some protein bars that taste really good and in a pinch they will take the craving away and the protein will fill you up..something to check into?
I used artificial sweeteners ,low carb diet candy bars, even coca mixed in butter and an artificial sweetener to wean myself off sugar. It was a little harder for me in the beginning because I quit sugar and doctor prescribed opiates at the same time.

I used the sweet low carb no sugar stuff to get me off the real bad sugar stuff just like a heroin addict using methadone. I know and have always known none of that stuff is really good for me, but it did help get me off the hard stuff so to speak.

Even so, it's sort of like an addict trying to quit by cutting back. It can be done and if you are using les all the time you are getting somewhere, but it would really be a lot better if you just quit cold turkey.