How should HIIT feel like after a session?

I haven't actually done any HIIT myself (I do interval training) but from what I can gather, you cannot do HIIT more then a few times a week (like 2 or 3 times a week) and 20 mins is apparently enough. So I'd imagine you'd be near cannot-stand-up-straight exhausted and that this would affect you working out on following days to the point where HIIT cannot be done a few days in a row and maybe not even two days in a row.

But thats just what I read. Thats not my experience as I am yet to be able to do this.
I mainly do interval stuff but I tried HITT once. You should not be able to do it more than a max of 3 times a week, if you can then you havent gone hard enough.
In my experience my legs felt like bricks and the next day it hurt going up and down teh stairs.
Shin splints and tight hamstrings are probably to be expected the first couple of times you do it but once your body is used to it and you are warming up and down properly you should feel fine afterwards.

I got back into HIIT recently and do it 3 times a week. After the first session of sprints my shin splints literally lasted a week and walking was a little painful. However, by the third session everything was fine and now I do not hurt at all after a session. Of course during and end of a session you will be breathless, heart beating and possible head pains but it all disappears shortly after you finish!