How Much Sleep Does Your Body Need?

At the moment guys Ive got a busy schedule and despite getting 10 hours sleep a day I still feel exhausted and never get enough done.
If anything guys Im wondering If my body is dependent on too much sleep.
For example I have a mate who is 25 stone and can survive on 6 hours sleep a day.
Im thinking of cutting my sleep down to 6/7 hours a day, with my fitness training is that enough for my body, It wouldnt affect the results on my body would it(i.e:muscle development).
Sometimes poeple who sleep the worst actually sleep longer. Just because you wake sleep for 10 hours doesnt mean it was quality sleep. you could have sleep apnea or something..
It all depends on the person. I personally got along fine through undergrad with 4-6hours/night. But now I'm a wimp, I need 7-8.
I agree, it can depend on the person.

However, I learned long ago the power of manipulation, going through Army boot camp, and the (young) body being able to adapt (rebuild) and overcome various stresses being applied with sometimes less than 3 to 4 hours of sleep. The body is an extra-ordinary adapting mechanic.

Some dont tap into what "really" one is capable of and can limit their selves just in thought.

Sleep is of course important, the body is doing some very important functions (recovery, rebuilding, etc), so it needs to be adequate.

With me personally, I have learned the more functional I am, the less I need, even nearing 47.

I generally get about 6 and function just great.


Some of the greatest people in history like Isaac Newton and picasso often never slept (but thats because they have manic depression;)
Hey :) New to the forum, but have enjoyed reading up on the differnet aspects of fitness and health as I need to get fit again.

I tend to function ob about 7 hours sleep a night, although I don't think it's the best quality sleep as I feel absolutely shattered the next day at work. I have tried Amitriptylene tablets on pescription and they knock me out good and proper but I've stopped taking them over the last week as I don't want to get addicted to them.
Last night wasn't the best either, managed about 3 hours sleep, although strangely, I feel quite awake at work this morning.
im such a wuss. i need at LEAST 8 solid hours in order for me to FUNCTION. 10 hours and im good to go lol.

Stop it. I remember when my oldest son was a teenager, I thought he was a bear in hybernation for winter when it came to amount of sleep needed.

Now, his internal spark runs 24 hours, 7 days per week and one can see the Spirit flames burning from his head in his sleep. He makes his own reality in what he needs, and rocks with an undying spirit, because his father ensured he was near it.

Now, he gets "what he needs" in between "working for what he WANTS", and this simple composite will lay is bed of getting it.

All he needs, is "the one", and his personal motivational soup.

Best wishes,

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Sleep is a luxury for me. I am an insomniac. I will go to bed and it will take easily 2 hours for me to fall asleep. Then I will wake anywhere from 20 minutes to 2 hours later. And again it will take me "X" amount of time to go back to sleep.

So my schedule is I go to sleep, hubby comes back 4 hours after I go to bed and I wake up, then I fall asleep again, and 4 hours later I have to get up for the kids, and the dogs. Within that period I get MAX 4 hours. Usually after 4 days I take a nap during the day.
I was getting 9-10 hours but it was leaving me tired and lethargic all day. I found out that there's such a thing as too much sleep. I've been trying to keep it between 7 and 8 hours.
usually about 6-7 hours and thats interrupted by my 1 year old who still is doing his newborn impersonation. Any more than that and I'm groggy the next day for the entire day.

I haven't had more than 3 consecutive hours of sleep in over a year now.
i'm ready to just put the baby out in the garage for the night LOL
Gah i must be a wuss. Cause when i work i have to have about 8, But when im off work i get about 10-12 i need to stop doing that from what i just read. I think i'll start sleeping about 7 hrs every night.
7.5-8 would be ideal for, but it just doesn't happen. I've been getting 6-7, usually closer to 6, and I've been more sore than usual, more tired than usual, it sucks. Hard to sleep without AC in 80 degree + weather...and the fan all night makes me feel sick all the time. Damn, enough bitching, it is what it is.
10 hours of sleep could get you quite rested. Your exhaustion could be caused by too much stress in your daily activities and if you are a coffee drinker, the more stress hormones you produce daily which in the long run could fatigue your adrenal glands.
10 hours every night seems a little excessive to me. As someone already mentioned, there is such a thing as "too much sleep" which can leave you just as exhausted. I'd try cutting down to 8 hours per night, and see if that helps. If you find yourself really dragging, try a short nap during the day instead of going to bed earlier. And of course, I always have to mention this... get your thyroid checked!! People who require more sleep are usually dragging for a reason.... whether it's an underactive thyroid, sleep apnea, depression, a virus, or chronic fatigue. See your doctor, and let us know how you're doing!
Science hooks it up, homies