How fast can we squat 1 million lb/kg?

This may be interesting, or it may not, but I thought it would be fun to see how quickly we could squat 1 million lb/kg.

I thought about breaking it down to one measurement of weight, but it's early and I haven't finished my coffee, so I'm keeping it simple.

Total your weight by how many reps and sets you did, then add your total to the previous post. For example..

Monday (3/19) I did 8 sets of 8 reps of squats at 135 pounds. 135 x 8(reps) =1080 x 8(sets) = 8640.

So my total weight for that session would be 8640 lbs.

If you measure in KG, then put your total KG. If you measure in LBS, then put your total in LBS. Like I said, I haven't finished my coffee yet, so I didn't feel like converting anything.

3/19 - 8640.
Because I am just sad enough to calculate this for the heck of it I did.
Current session is 4 x 10 x 100kg of squats, this excludes the goblet variety.
That gives 4,000kg per session
Doing this for 52 weeks which is most of a year would give me 208,000kg
So in 4.85 just over 4.8 years I would have lifted 1,000,000kg
All that and the bar would still be exactly where it was at the start.
3/20 - 7865lbs

New Total = 20945