how does this sound for typical day of food?

So i'm changing things up a bit and i just want to see if this is a good idea for what i should be eating in a day... any tips would help (like if too many carbs or fruits, not enough veggies, etc.)
breakfast (around 7)- 1 frozen waffle (about 90 calories- its oen of the "healthier" kinds) with a small amount of jelly/ about 1/2 cup canteloupe

lunch (around 1)- salad w/ cucumbers, tomatoes, 1 boiled egg white, maybe some type of protein (salmon, chicken), w/ light dressing (about 20 calories)/ medium apple

snack (around 3:30)- banana

I usually have tennis practice for about an hour and a half or a tennis match, if a match i will usually have a granola bar also at some point

dinner (around 6:30)- green veggie (largest portion)/ protein- usually fish probably about 2 to 3 ounces, sometimes chicken/ one other item- potatoe, another veggie

snack (around 9)- medium apple/ sometimes 1 1/2 graham crackers if still hungry

How does this sound??? I'm also about to start doing weights, is this a good amount to be eating if i want to lose weight, have the weights be effective but also not bulk up? Thanks for the help
First is that you have a fairly big gap between breakfast and lunch - Is there any way you can add a meal/snack at 10ish?

Second, it doesn't look like you have enough protein in there - especially for when you start adding resistance training.

Third, for total calories it looks like you are probably at 1000 or 1200 calories or so. That is probably a bit low, especially for having an hour+ of cardio every day (and now weights as well). I would try to up that based on your body type and lean body mass (use one of the calculators on the web to get a fairly good number).

Good Luck!
thanks for the feedback- it brings me to more questions.
i definitely can and would like to add in a snack at about 10, but with what i'm eating now, what would probably be a good snack?
and if i need to add in protein, i dont know where i could add it in.
That snack could be some nuts - just pick a low fat variety of them. And up the size of all of your "meat" portions. A 2 to 3 ounce piece of fish? Come on! Get something more than a piece of sushi. That is an exageration, but increasing the size of things like that is probably the easiest way to up protein.

Another good idea would be a meal replacement or protein shake at 10. Kill 2 birds with one stone.

Good Luck!