how do you handle it?


New member
I don't know if this goes here but...

Now we all have our weak times [I think...] and there are those 'bingeing' days. What do you do afterward? Any suggestions or tips to handle them?
The best tip is to avoid them in the first place by knowing what your 'triggers' are and what situations are most likely to cause the desire to binge. But we can't always do that ;)

After the fact, all you can do is start over again. Pull up your socks, get back up on the horse, and do better next time. I also find that doing some extra exercise in repentance (or better yet, to burn off what you took in) helps as well for the feelings of guilt.
your ALLOWED to have cheat days. thats part of what keeps you motivated (and sane). you just have to make sure that after your cheat day you get right back on track the next day.
i agree with the other two - it is best to get right back on your feet, and planning an "off" day will help you to fight those cravings in your weaker moments. I also tend to compensate for a binging spree by working out extra - it just makes me feel better and helps me get back on track.
what I have to do is keep all garb age food out of the house. Unfortunately, keeping GOOD food in a house of seven is more expensive. Luckily, all my kids like what I bring in, be it junk, or be it healthy. Only my H is the resistant one.

Also, I like to set mini goals, then have a splurge day(going out to eat drinking beer or whatever) all the while doing it guilt free, and demanding from myself that it is only a one day deal after goal is met.
I get to have four ten pound loss treat days, plus a half way goal!
When I had a big splurge day (I'm talking about eating 700 calories over my daily limit), I usually try to follow up with eating light for next two days, and eating a lot of vegetables, fiber and lean protein - they keep you full whike keeping the calorie number down.
another tip:

find a calculator to see about how many cals you should eat...lets say 1200 daily multiplied by day you splurge and go over by a hundred less a day for six days and the weekly weigh in should be about right...hope this makes sense..
i tend to get in a bad mood with myself sometimes - which works in my favour overall, as a tantrum burns calories!!! lol.

most the time i do as the others have already said...compensate the next days to even it out, or just count it as a treat and start a fresh the next morning.
The most important thing after a binge day is DON'T BEAT YOURSELF UP OVER IT! Accept it. You ate more than you wanted to. Big deal. It's one day out of a LIFETIME of change. After all, some studies show that a (controlled)splurge day "once a week" or "every other week" with a healthy reduced calorie diet actually helps. why? Because your body is in weightloss mode. If you suddenly flood it with unexpected calories it kickstarts your metabolism and burns more in order to keep homeostasis in the blood and body. Your body literally takes care of it for you. (Although, it's important to keep in mind that people who starve themselves will have the opposite effect: their bodies will retain every extra calorie possible.) Stressing over a binge day only leads to indegestion and/or depression and thus, lower body metabolism. The best thing to do is permit yourself to enjoy whatever sinful pleasure you partook of that day (since you can't take it back anyways) and commit yourself to your weightloss regimen for (at least) another week before you allow it to happen again.

Also, you can make sure you have 1 treat a day. I have a daily allowance of one "snack" so I feel much less likely to binge. My favorite is the Smart One's Brownies (look in the frozen section). They're absolutely decadent, and for 150 calories, practically guilt free!